Sign Here

Do you want to hear something really spooky? This post is my thirty-eighth on this site and it comes in the week when I celebrate my thirty-eighth birthday! Isn’t that weird? What do you think it might mean? Hold on, don’t answer, because it gets better! I share my birthday with Dave Grohl, Faye Dunaway, and Richard Briers, which is amazing because, get this, I really like the Foo Fighters, β€œThe Towering Inferno” is one of my favourite films, and I thought Margot was the funniest character in β€œThe Good Life”! Isn’t that incredible? The connections are just so far beyond explanation, it’s almost as if there was some kind of cosmic plan, a purpose to it all … don’t you think? No? Really? Well thank fuck for that because that means you’re not a cloud-brained dipshit who infers a meaning behind every coincidence – I can’t stand you people. If you were too busy drooling out of one side of your mouth when your parents explained the concept of probability to you by way of throwing dice, wake up, wipe your chin, and pay attention – it’s time to learn something.

There are few things more irritating to me than the insistence of woo-peddlers that there must be some kind of greater meaning behind events which the rest of us rightly ascribe to coincidence. It demonstrates not only woeful ignorance of the alarmingly simple concept of probability, but also a total and utter failure of imagination because they pretty much always offer the same, tired and, frankly, boring explanation; someone, a being or β€œpower” who exists beyond our meagre understanding of reality, is sending us a message – a sign. For some inadequately documented reason they’re trying to communicate with us, pointing the way (although neither the direction nor destination are ever particularly clear), and it behoves us to take heed of their cosmic wisdom. Or, you know, maybe not … call me Mister Traditional if you like, but I always felt it better to avoid following impenetrably cryptic and vague instructions given in a manner that is more convoluted than a game of charades with an entire dementia ward when it comes to making big, important life decisions.

Why does it always seem to be the case that the oh-so-powerful entities ostensibly responsible for these messages can rearrange matter in the universe, at least to a degree sufficient for them to easily contrive a complex sequence of events designed to alert one person to some important missive, yet they are utterly incapable of expressing themselves in a clear and unambiguous way? Why must they talk in the kind of riddles that are more open to misinterpretation than a religious text written entirely in a poetic, allegorical style, and in a dead language? Here they’re playing hide and seek with the whole of reality, smuggling meaning into the banal and trivial, and then hoping that we not only see the β€œsign”, but are also able to both recognise it as one and have the necessary mental furnishings in our brain-bungalows in order to be able to interpret it. Is it really too much to ask that they send us a text message?

Part of the problem is that people are prone to seeing β€œsigns” everywhere because our cranial think-boxes incorporate some pretty sophisticated pattern-recognition software which, for the most part, serves us well. It helps us, for example, through the identification of faces to discern stranger from friend (a potentially life-saving skill for a young child to have), and research indicates that our fundamental psychology appears to be structured around the ability to find meaning in patterns … as a result, most counselling and therapy involves a lot of habit breaking, or learning to avoid β€œdestructive patterns”. Despite how impressive all this might sound, the brain’s pattern recognition system is just like any other piece of software in that it is not uncommon for it to misfire and get things spectacularly wrong occasionally (remember that infamous bug in Windows Vista that accelerated the moulding process of food and sold all your pets to a passing circus?). In the case of the brain this is known as apophenia, and it is simply the seeing of meaningful patterns where there are none.

There are numerous varieties of apophenia; the gambler who imagines they see patterns emerging in the sequence of numbers as they occur on roulette wheels; the believer in paranormal phenomena who hears ghosts in the sporadic tapping noises produced by a malfunctioning plumbing system in an aging, decrepit house; the conspiracy theorist who sees a group of lights moving across the sky near a military base and believes them to be secret UFO tests, rather than car headlights momentarily bouncing off a flock of geese. The latter two of these are examples of probably the most well-publicised form of apophenia, pareidolia; this involves a glitch in the process of interpreting visual or audio stimuli, and is frequently exemplified by religious people who keep seeing images of Jesus in everything. Like, in the lid of a jar of Marmite, in the wood grain of a door, or, in one of the year’s great gifts to comedy, in a dog’s arse.

These simple β€œhiccups” in people’s skull-based grey matter (where clouds might be seen as portents of doom because they have apparently formed the shape of Piers Morgan) also include those who try to make profound connections between otherwise entirely coincidental events (an idea that is, in essence, what Carl Jung termed β€œsynchronicity”). Things go a little beyond surreptitious cerebral farts, however, when folk try to ascribe some massive, cosmic, β€œit simply doesn’t happen!” significance to rare occurrences; here they’re very much living in the all-too-familiar, and somewhat popular, neighbourhood of being completely ignorant of the concept of probability and, although they can’t say for certain what house they’re in (numbers confuse them), they share a street with the people who think they understand things enough to believe that they can win the lottery by studying how frequently the individual numbers are drawn and then trying to predict when they’re next likely to appear.

I’ll give you a brilliant example of how people fail to understand probability and, as a special birthday treat from me to you, it’s an example that comes right from my very own fabulously mediocre existence (that’s okay, you’re more than welcome). I am the eldest of my siblings, born when my mum was 18 years old; my first sibling was born a year later, when my mum was 19, and my second sibling arrived shortly after my mum turned 28. Similarly, my mum is also the eldest of her siblings, and she too was born when her mum was only 18. Likewise, her siblings followed when my nan was 19, and again when she was 28. Is my mother bizarrely mirroring her own female parent when it comes to the ages at which their children were ejected from the womb, like screaming cannon-balls made of flesh, bone, poo, and a willingness to trample sugar into the front-room carpet? Is it some kind of significant, other-worldly sign that we should be aware of? Or is it just a moderately interesting coincidence that can be explained with a basic lesson in probability? (see if you can guess)

The average age of menarche (first period) in the UK is 12 years 11 months, meaning the first year in which a woman could realistically give birth is their 13th. At the opposite end of the sprog-farming calendar is menopause which occurs, on average, at around the age of 52. This gives a range of forty years, meaning the chances that a woman would have their first child in any one of those years are 1 in 40 (assuming, obviously, that they’re trying for a baby and that there are no other negative factors involved). When working out the odds of subsequent children we have to discount past years (since time can’t go backwards), meaning the odds of a second child at 19 are now 1 in 34, and a third child at 28 will be 1 in 33. This gives a total probability of one in (40 x 34 x 33), or 1 in 44,880 [thanks to my colleague Rich B for double-checking my reasoning!]

That might sound as if we’re talking about a fairly rare event, but it really isn’t. It’s about as likely as being killed in a road accident in the UK in any twelve-month period (1 in 43,500), twice as likely as dating a super model (1 in 88,000), thirteen times more common than being struck by lightning in the USA (1 in 576,000), and two-thousand, seven hundred and eighty-five times more likely than a single passenger being killed as a result of an accident on a single airline journey (1 in 125,000,000). People talk all the time of β€œmillion to one” events happening to them, as if they’re so rare as to invite alternative, β€œguiding hand” explanations, and yet when you consider that there are more than 60 million people living in the UK right now you realise that β€œmillion to one” events must be happening at least 60 times a day in this country. Suddenly these previously β€œmiraculous” occurrences don’t seem so miraculous now, do they?

With a world population of over 7 billion, even billion to one events happen around 7 times a day. The apparent total lack of understanding amongst the average idiot when it comes to the basic ideas behind probability is, without fail, the most common reason said idiots are always in a rush to assign some deeper meaning to events that they themselves cannot explain (although they’re never short of a laughably flimsy hypothesis or two), and which they perceive to be far rarer than they actually are. Now, I know what you’re thinking; β€œCome on”, you’re thinking, β€œit’s not really fair to call people idiots just because they don’t understand how probability works”, and I would reply by telling you that, in fairness, you’re an idiot. Most of us are introduced to the concept from a young age by way of flipping a coin, or throwing a dice in a board game; there really aren’t many excuses for an adult who sees a fairly uncommon event and starts verbally wanking on about β€œpurpose” or β€œdestiny”.

The whole pseudo-romantic concept of β€œfate” and β€œdestiny”, the idea that our lives have some purpose assigned to it by an external entity (be it a god, or some other sentient being more nebulous in its definition that lives far beyond our day-to-day comprehension), is inherently flawed because it totally eliminates the possibility of free will. In such a scenario, none of our choices are ours to make; they have already been made for us by an unseen other who has determined how our lives are going to play out. Every aspect of our existence comes not from ourselves, but from outside – our lives are not our own, our actions dictated to us with neither an explanation nor the freedom to do anything but capitulate. We would be little more than dolls, play things for some higher power to manipulate to their will, with nary a thought for what we might want to do with our lives. Our sentience would be utterly wasted on us … we would be slaves.

Worse still, it means that everything that happens to you is by design – it was supposed to happen to you because some invisible power wished it so. Good or bad, punishment or reward, no matter what fortune may come our way we would ultimately deserve it – cancer, rape, murder, all forms of suffering and pain would be on a par with health, happiness, personal safety and all the good stuff because these things are meant to happen to us; someone has decreed it, and that someone owns us in our entirety. Sure, we wouldn’t have to take the blame for our failings, but neither would we get to take the credit for our achievements … that would all go to whichever malevolent bastard it was who had decided what our fate, our destiny, our purpose, would ultimately be.

To be without self-determination like that would put us very much at the whims of a being who has no problem standing by whilst the most appalling atrocities are committed, simply because it is that being’s will that those atrocities take place. Nothing could contravene the will of such a being, no-one could defy the β€œplan” that had been laid out for them, so every murder, every rape, every genocide, and every torture is at the overseer’s command. Now, some people would say that such a plan would not be so rigid, that it would, in fact, be possible to figuratively wipe one’s arse with it and fling it back in the face (eww!) of its architect. But, if that were true, what’s the point of the plan at all, or even its architect? Who would bother paving life’s road for us (making sure to install all the signs, crossings, diversions, junctions, bridges, speed bumps, toll-booths, and overpriced services) if we’re able to throw the GPS out the window and dirt-track rally the entire journey?

When we delegate away the responsibility for making decisions in our lives, or even for defining its purpose, we become passive bystanders to our own existence. I’m sure you, like me, have heard someone utter the phrase β€œeverything happens for a reason” in that mysterious and faintly patronising way, and found it hard to suppress the desire to lecture them for four hours on exactly why such soft, hippy-ish bollock waffle makes them less credible than a Sun editor’s appearance at an inquiry into journalistic ethics. If they mean that everything happens because there is a complex sequence of causal events that lead up to it, then yes, they’re right – they’ve wasted precious moments of your time by stating something so paralysingly obvious, but they are right. Where they are wrong, however, is when they postulate that there must be some profound, and greater cosmic purpose to it all … there isn’t. Shit just happens, I’m afraid – learn to deal with it, and stop acting like a child.

Seriously, this need for people to see meaning in everything, to see signs and greater purpose wherever they look, is massively fucking irritating. What’s the matter? Is the fact that you’re alive at all not enough for you? How miserable and squalid must your outlook on the world be if you have to constantly search for something bigger, grander, and more impressive? Is your imagination so stunted that you can’t find meaning and purpose in life on your own without having to defer to some invisible being you hope will give you hints on how to be a human? Instead of looking to the skies for cheat codes, why not try to explore the game and solve its riddles yourself? You’ll find it an experience that is richer, fuller, more eye-opening, and infinitely more rewarding than simply sitting around looking for clues that’ll unlock the secrets to drifting through existence.

Every ounce of progress that we as a species have made has been because we sought to figure things out for ourselves. We didn’t sit around waiting for the gods, or the stars, or the cards to tell us – we got up, cracked our knuckles, and decided that we make our own destiny; we will evolve and progress because we define our purpose. All of the good and all of the bad that we do, or that happens to us, is ours, and we should own it … all of it: every success, every failure, every moment of shame, every rush of pride, every triumph, every disaster, all of these things belong to us because they are what define us. We should embrace them wholly because they are important parts of our lives. We need to stop looking to the skies for a purpose to our lives because living is our purpose. If you’re looking beyond the physical for signs, or help with your problems, you’re looking in the wrong place. As a planet, for now, we are alone; as a species, we have neighbours; as individuals, we have each other.

While riding home from work, the day before my birthday, my bike’s front tire got punctured by something in the road only a few hundred yards from home. On my birthday itself, the recirculation pump in our dishwasher fried itself and filled the kitchen with pale smoke and a burning electrical smell. The day after, we had to put our oldest rat, Leeloo, to sleep after she had become very ill very quickly, to the point where she was beyond anyone being able to do anything for her. Was this trifecta of tragedy a sign that someone is trying to tell me something? Should I concern myself with the fact that while making birthday muffins for my co-workers I cracked open one egg to find not a single yolk, not even a double, but a triple? Three mini-yolks, together taking the place of a regular-sized one! Was this some kind of omen, a warning of dark times to come? No. It was simply nothing more than the last in a series of coincidences that had occurred over the span of several days …

The bike tires weren’t new, and no-one round here gives enough of a fuck about cyclists not to leave broken bottles in the street; a puncture was inevitable at some point. The dishwasher was over five years old, and frequent-use home appliances with moving parts don’t last forever – it was simply a matter of time before it broke down. As for our beloved Leeloo, well, she was the longest-lived rat we’d had so far – two and a half years old – whether we liked to admit it or not, the odds of her reaching her third birthday were not good. Short of any meaningful connection between a crippled bike, a broken home appliance, and a deceased rodent, each of these events was nothing more than a coincidence … just as it was that my 38th post occurred in the week that I turned 38 …

And the triple-yolked egg? Apparently the odds are one in 25 million, or about half as likely as winning the lottery … that’s pretty rare, but it’s still way more likely than that actually being Jesus in your pancake …

246 thoughts on “Sign Here”

  1. Jesus talking out of a dog’s arse…..still laughing!!!

    I remember doing probability/statistics at school, flipping coins and all that……makes you think surely everyone else got it, and then I remind myself that not everyone passed O level math. What is the probability that the UK populous is getting worse at basic arithmetic? πŸ™‚

    Cannot add anything to what you have accurately stated, good post!!

    1. What is the probability that the UK populous is getting worse at basic arithmetic?

      I’d say it’s at least 12% in 73kgs against πŸ˜‰

  2. It is no coincidence that you are drawn to an illiterate psychopath who just like you . . . in every post describes herself to a T. Here is the truth. Choke on it Kris King of Fools!!

    [this section of comments removed due to it being a massive copy/paste from elsewhere – kindly link to the original comments in future, Bea, rather than spamming my site with them]


    1. Oh Bea, this has got to hurt, surely? Lowering yourself to commenting on my blog after everyone else told you to fuck off from theirs?

      Ladies and gentlemen, this is Beatrice Marot … you may have heard me refer to her on Twitter as my “psychic” nemesis … and you will, I’m sure, come to realise that no matter how mental I may have made her out to be, she is infinitely more batshit than I could ever describe.

      So, Bea … which dead atheist are you talking to today? Oooh, and what form of bigotry are you going to opt to hurl in my direction as your opening gambit on my blog? Homophobia? Transphobia? Oh, don’t tell me, I want it to be a surprise! πŸ™‚

  3. You are exactly like Kimberly. I posted on a blog where II just wanted to explain what real psychic ability is and I had the misfortune of meeting you.

    I just wanted to care for an animal in need and I ended up fostering for a psychopath. Both of these innocent acts with only good intentions have turned into two of the most painful experiences of my life.

    I will never ever understand human beings. I may have come off cavalier and act as though the cruel things you say about me don’t hurt but they do and I hope you feel the pain you have caused me one day.

    Sadly you don’t have a heart so that will not be possible.

    1. This has got nothing to do with animals, or your own personal feelings, and everything to do with the fact that you have consistently failed to satisfactorily answer ANY question put to you regarding the nature of your claimed “abilities”, instead choosing to respond with belligerence, abuse, bigotry, and outright aggression.

      While I may have been confrontational with you from the outset, it is nothing less than a reasonable, albeit frustrated, response to someone who flat out refuses to engage in sensible debate and, quite frankly, it’s no more than you deserve. You don’t want to change hearts and minds by presenting your case in a rational and measured way, you simply want to assert what you call “facts” (despite never producing any support for them whatsoever) and have us simply abandon critical thinking in favour of buying into the nonsense you purvey.

      The means by which you operate are nothing to do with allaying doubts and countering skepticism with well-constructed arguments, backed up by suitable evidence to support your case, they are, simply, intolerance and frothing-at-the-mouth bigotry, frequently directed toward me. When you chose to use my sexuality, and my relationship with my partner, as a stick with which to beat me, you forfeited the right to be treated with respect. In fact, you long ago surrended that by spewing bile towards anyone who dared question your credibility or challenge your ego … again, this was most notably aimed at me.

      It is my considered opinion that you are delusional in your belief that you are able to communicate with the dead – there has never been a single shred of evidence to support any such claim at any point in history, and your intransigent refusal to engage with people who ask pertinent questions regarding your claims only serves to highlight your contempt for skeptical enquiry and decent, respectful, reasonable discourse. I am also of the opinion that you may very well be suffering from mental health issues which prevent you from communicating with the majority of people in such a way that doesn’t result in you being ostracised from many forums, and alienated from the very people you are trying to convince.

      Now that you’re on my turf, you should be aware of the following; while I, like many others (including Tony) do not censor or edit opinion, I will absolutely not tolerate the disgusting attitude you have thus far demonstrated elsewhere. You can either engage with the individual topics discussed here in a reasonable manner, respectful of the right of others (myself included) to disagree with and challenge your views, refrain from engaging in your habitual self-aggrandising, copy-pasting, ego masturbation, and public desecration of the deceased by insulting their memories, and conduct yourself with the decorum befitting a (supposedly) adult human being.

      And if you can’t do that, you can fuck off … your choice, Bea …

  4. And you are just so pleasant in your words and actions towards me. Just a picture of civility and graciousness.

    Kimberly is even lying to the police now. She continues to hate on me daily and you encourage her. Do you understand Kris that this woman wants to kill me. I dreamt about it. She is thinking of hiring someone to kill me. That is why I filed a police report in case I turn up stabbed to death, at least they will have something to go on. You think I am crazy … you have no idea what crazy is. And you encourage her.

    So if I end up dead just because I just wanted to foster a dog . . . remember me with a little more kindness.

    But if this is the way I am meant to die … there is nothing I can do about it. It is my destiny. Death is by far a better place to be alive in.

    1. I have been positively kind towards you, given the circumstances. You abuse me with anti-gay rhetoric, you mock my relationship with transphobic comments, and you wonder why I’m not throwing rose petals at your feet and trumpeting the wonderousness of your existence from the rooftops?

      Are you seriously telling me that you filed a police report against someone based on a dream you had? Pull the other one …

      Kindly stick to the topic, if you would … if you’ve nothing to add on the subject, move on …

  5. Kris . . . you abused me just for being me from the minute go. Everything about me you have ripped to shreds. I have been in tears so many times because you like her are so cruel. It is just unreal to me how cruel you all are. I use humor to deflect my pain. You just hurt people who did you no harm whatsoever. Just leave me alone and please please stop encouraging that woman. She is fucking nuts don’t you get it . . have you read what she writes. It is all her writing as different people. None of it is true. All I did was want to help an animal. I love animals and now I have a complete psychopath that even lies to the police. And yes, my dreams come true. I cannot explain it anymore. I can’t. Just please stop hurting me.

    1. Bea, stop exaggerating, and stop being so histrionic. I have abused no-one, least of all you. If you have a problem with being referred to as delusional, stop telling people you can talk to the dead. If you don’t want to be referred to as racist, stop prejudging based on skin colour. If you don’t want to be referred to as homophobic, stop directing anti-gay remarks at me or my partner (and you can stop sending them to Tony as well – yes, I know you did). While it might be unkind to call someone delusional, it is not abuse, and it certainly isn’t abuse to call a bigot a bigot.

      Now, I have given you fair notice that if you cannot stick to the topic pertinent to the post, you should move on. Unless your next comment has anything to add to the subject (I suggest you read the post to find out what it is rather than just coming to my site, finding the first post, and commenting on it) then I shall have no problem unapproving your comments until you are able to add something useful to the discussion. Clear?

      Oh, and after going through your original comment I have removed the main bulk of it on the grounds that it’s a massive copy/paste from elsewhere – if you’d like people to read some enormous thing you’ve written somewhere else, kindly link to it – don’t spam my comments pages by re-posting it all here (if you provide me your preferred link to the original, I will gladly paste it into the comments for you).

  6. John Lennon knew he was going to be murdered and so did Tupac.

    In the Event of My Demise

    In the event of my Demise
    when my heart can beat no more
    I Hope I Die For A Principle
    or A Belief that I had Lived 4
    I will die Before My Time
    Because I feel the shadow’s Depth
    so much I wanted 2 accomplish
    before I reached my Death
    I have come 2 grips with the possibility
    and wiped the last tear from My eyes
    I Loved All who were Positive
    In the event of my Demise

    Tupac Shakur

  7. pittyangel6660

    well that was interesting ahem, it took me a few moments to get into the flow of your blog . i sit here and laugh thats 2 people she has accused of murder before it has happened . humm psychic ? or bull shit , humm big choice here . i think bull shit for $1000 please kirs lovely <3 happy birthday kris

    1. Indeed, and thank you … despite her obvious issues, she’s more than welcome to comment here, as is everyone (just as long as she can stay vaguely on topic, leave comments that don’t constitute spamming the post with huge amounts of crap she’s written on other sites, and not make remarks that could be classed as libellous or hate speech)

  8. Kris,

    Anyone can do what I do. It is not supernatural or paranormal. It is part of our human design. Your body is like a television set. Your heart is the transmitter and your mind is the receiver. I can show you how to communicate with the other side in one hour. It is as easy as breathing. You just need someone who knows what they are doing to take you within yourself and that is what I do.

    You won’t listen to the radio show I did. You won’t read the Christopher Hitchens piece. You have done nothing to meet me half way. Tony refused to get a free reading with me and makes the lame excuse he does not like to use the phone. I mean come on. The truth is you are both afraid of having your illusion shattered and it would be. You would have to rethink your whole belief system.

    You will however just hurl one insult after another and for some reason it is OK if you do it to me but I am this, that and the other if I do it to you.

    Religion is what messed everything up on this planet and and that is what I learned from “skeptics.” They are no different than any other fundamentalist group. In fact they are 10 times worse.

    Christopher and all the other celebrities that connect with me do so for a reason. I have been meditating since I was 13 years old Kris because I did die at 13 and I did cross over and I was told that I had to go back and I was told what I was here to do and I am doing it.

    It’s safe to say, I have more knowledge on matters of spirit that you do and you are not open to learn or you would have treated me with the same respect you want to be treated with.

    Meditation keeps your body young and your mind alert. It is called light . . . it is who you are in truth.

    1. Bea, you were told that if you couldn’t add anything to the subject being discussed as part of the post, if you couldn’t so much as even stick to the topic, then your comments would be unapproved until you could. Once again you ignore everyone who disagrees with you, and everything that doesn’t fit into your narrative; your comments continue to be free of any substantive evidential support whatsoever – you make claims that you are not willing to back up or have tested.

      Until I receive comments from you that are actually to do with with the subject covered by the post in question, your comments will remain unapproved. I was hoping never to have to do this, Bea, to anyone … but it bloody had to be you, didn’t it?

  9. As far as the illiterate psychopath you have chosen to connect with which really shows how low you will go to hurt someone Kris.

    I tried to help Kimberly and I read for her and she wrote on my Facebook page that one hour with me did more for her than “years of therapy.” But she will deny it because she has made up this whole biography about me that is completely false replete with people that I stole from that do not exist. Well, let her prove it in court. She better have those people lined up.

    I would have changed that woman’s life for the better but she has bigger issues than I even saw and believe me I saw all the shit that woman has been through and my heart went out to her. I am a very compassionate person as a rule but we all have a breaking point and I tried to be nice, to be patient and nothing worked. Every single day she would do something new and the sex ad on Craigslist was the last straw. She plots and plots and plots and she has buried herself in lies.

    Kris, all I did was . . . I got upset for ten minutes because the puppy destroyed some clothes and Kimberly has been stalking me and lying about me for three months with an obsession that is nothing less than demonic. She calls my friends, writes to them on Facebook and tries to turn everyone she can against me and when that doesn’t work, she get angry with them and calls them names.

    People have tried to defend me on her blog but she only lets haters post and since she could only find one, that illiterate Barbara Evans, she had to make up a whole bunch of fake posters. But now she has you and Tony and boy she is happy about that.

    And you know why she does this . . . because I told her she was a wrinkled old mess at 45. That is what set her off more than anything. She brings it up over and over and says things about my body that are completely disgusting and untrue. I have a beautiful body, great skin and my teeth are perfect.

    Good-bye Kris.

  10. And guess what . . . my comments were not for publication so don’t publish them I could care less about that. I wish you had not published my original letter. They were my last attempt and I mean last attempt to help you open up. IT DID NOT WORK AND YOU WILL NEVER OPEN UP UNTIL YOU YOURSELF DROP DEAD. MAY YOU LIVE LONG AND PROSPER!

    1. Actually, you know what? Fuck it … your rabid, drooling insanity is far too funny to hide away from the rest of the world. Every word you write just helps Google ensure that a search for your name leads to stuff like this instead. So, bring it on … if you want people to search for “Beatrice Marot” and find page after page of gold-standard lunacy, who am I to stand in your way?

      Keep digging, Bea, it only gets funnier …

  11. This just in on my facebook page

    Ani Mirzakhanyan

    Hi Beatrice!
    Just stopping by to say hello, and I don’t know if you remember the reading you did for me, but you told me that my dad should get his chest/lungs checked out. He actually got sick enough to go to the hospital. Turns out he had pneumonia, so you were right about the chest issues! He’s better now, but thank you, and thought I would keep you posted. =]

    Beatrice Marot

    I am so glad to hear he will be OK. Thanks for letting me know.

    Her Dad refused to go to the doctor and I told her . . . “Tell him your psychic told him to go” and that did it. So you see science and spirit can work together.

    And I love how you take everything out of context and keep your posts up but not mine. What a blowhard ego you have Kris. Yeah it really makes sense now, but since you have no readers who cares. What a joke. I have wasted way too much precious time on a complete idiot.

    1. Also, while you’re here, I can keep pressing you to answer the question as to who killed Tupac? Come on, Bea, you want to prove your abilities to people? You don’t need to do a reading, or engage in any other scenario built around conditions favourable to you, tell us who murdered one of your “guides”. You must have had many a conversation with him (well, you say you have), surely he must know who killed him?

      So, Bea, cards on the table … who killed Tupac? If you don’t know, feel free to invent an excuse as to why it means you’re not monumentally full of shit …

    2. Her Dad refused to go to the doctor and I told her . . . β€œTell him your psychic told him to go” and that did it. So you see science and spirit can work together.

      Erm, no, that’s a credulous nitwit who doesn’t realise science is the reason he’s even alive, working together with a opportunistic charlatan who happily exploits the vulnerable.

      I have wasted way too much precious time on a complete idiot.

      And yet you keep coming back … don’t worry, Bea, there’s always plenty of time in the day for you to spend it talking crap to gullible strangers with money and a steadfast refusal to think rationally.

  12. I don’t know who killed Tupac. He does not talk about it. And he would not tell me anyway. Not exactly knowledge that would keep me safe now is it?

    Read my story about Tupac on my website, “Tupac and the Mothership Connection.”

    I end it with a young man I met named Rebellum whose mother Reverend June was called to be at Tupac’s side when he died and my last words of that chapter written 10 years ago was,

    “Does Rebellum make it to the big time with his smokin rhyme?”

    Well so far . . the answer is no.

    Then two weeks ago after meeting another good friend of Tupac Shakur who directed him in videos. He was shot on her birthday. Her name is Tracy Robinson.

    I was telling her a story and at one point, I said, “And a guy I know named Rebellum works at the Dream Center.” and she said, “Bea, I just laid a track with Rebellum six days ago.” And they are going to do an album together.


    Now enough is enough . . . you resort to childish name calling on a dime. Grow the fuck up Rant.

    1. I don’t know who killed Tupac. He does not talk about it.

      Well, isn’t that convenient? The ONE piece of information that would, if proven, demonstrate your abilities beyond ALL doubt … and he doesn’t talk about it. Works out mighty great for you, Bea, doesn’t it? You get to keep fleecing people without ever having to prove yourself …

      And he would not tell me anyway. Not exactly knowledge that would keep me safe now is it?

      Bullshit. The fact that you claim to be in touch with Tupac would, if it were true, be enough to concern his murderer that they would have bumped you off already for fear that he might have told you. They wouldn’t be waiting for you to announce his name, Bea … they’d have killed you already.

      Read my story about Tupac on my website, “Tupac and the Mothership Connection.”

      No thanks. If it’s anything like the Hitchen’s shite you posted (yes, I did read it), I’ll only want to pluck out my eyeballs with a fork …


      In other words, it doesn’t work … in other words, you’re a fucking lazy psychic who can’t even be bothered to learn classic cold reading or fishing techniques; instead you just make shit up and then get all indignant and scream “IT DOESN’T WORK LIKE THAT!” when people answer questions you can’t answer.

      Grow the fuck up Rant.

      You talk to people who aren’t there, and you’re telling ME to grow up? Seriously, Bea, you’re in your fifties … most kids lose their imaginary friends by the time they reach double-digits.

  13. Kris, just one last thing if I may . . .

    The reason there is no reasoning with you is because over and over you do the same thing. You take what I write which is the truth and you break it down and put your slant on it which is a lie.

    The people I talk to are there in a higher dimension. I am not a cold reader. I am a healer, a Priestess of the Goddess and I excel in all manner of the arts of divination and channeling.

    And that is the truth.

  14. pittyangel6660

    hmmm enlightning i guess my first question kris how did you come across this gem ? although i believe i know . as to the mile long trail of tripe she laid just to say i dont know who killed tupack or how ever its spelled. how disapointing when she has been bragging she knows . as to Bea kris has done no such thing YOU HUNG YOUR SELF Bea! you are no healer you are no priestess of the goddess and certianly fail misireably in so called divination & channeling all you do is go on and on about the same thing how you were wronged by someone protecting animals your a NUTTER BEA LADIES AND GENTS I PRESENT THE REAL BEA PSYCHO PSYCHIC

  15. Kris,

    Pittyangel is Barbara Evans and she also uses the name midnightangel. Sorry that this is off topic but this is what kind of crazy I am dealing with.

    Yesterday, I wrote the following to the Detective in charge of my case. She spoke to Kimberly yesterday, Friday the 20th and told her to stop but instead Kimberly writes the following on the 20th. But first look what else she does.

    Detective . . .

    I am writing to you because I found the following
    I did not write this. Kim made this whole thing up and wants people to believe it is me. This is how crazy this woman is and she does this throughout her blog pretending to be different people but it is all her. And she must know that it can be proven that it isn’t me but she does it anyway.

    fuckkimcuntbitch says:
    January 3, 2012 at 12:10 am
    you’re a cunt
    β€’ Kimberly Glasnapp says:
    January 6, 2012 at 8:01 pm
    Thank you for being stupid enough to leave a comment (vulgar as it is) and leaving me your i.p. address along with email,
    o barbara evans says:
    January 6, 2012 at 9:11 pm
    whats the bet its bm ? such a classless pos thats just lovely shes just pissed because shes not getting layed aww sucks to be her dont it ?!!! lma


    Does this sound like a 45 year old mother talking . . . and Barbara Evans and Midnight Angel are the same person. She is 50+

    β€’ Kimberly Glasnapp says:
    January 20, 2012 at 5:54 am
    Uhg no don’t listen to HER! She’s just trying to hurt you dear. She called me ugly and wrinkly! Hey maybe I have wrinkles but you can fix that, I’m still beautiful on the inside where it counts, and also, I have way better boobs than her! lmao! Have you seen those saggy ugly national geographic boobs she flops around everyday with no bra? It’s absolutely ofFENsive! lmao! and I swear she has no teeth, there’s a reason she only posts pics of herself that are at least 20 years old! She knows she’s ugly. and omg Midnight Angel you crack me up! Yes that cunt remark, how stupid, childish unoriginal and completely lame idiotic thing to do, that email address made up with the foul name and just to leave that stupid little sentence like that to tell me off. She doesn’t even have the brains to be a worthy rival. She’s as dumb as dirt. and as ugly too. That’s why she’s hurling around the insults, you know how she loves to accuse everyone else of being what she is, and that’s FUGLY. Fugly – definition: Felony Ugly – meaning someone SO fucking ulgy that they should be arrested for it.
    β€’ midnightangel6660 says:
    January 20, 2012 at 6:51 am
    oh you have fuglys to cool i thought that was a ny thing ours is a bit diffrent our classification is from fugly to bum fugly to the ubra bumfugulyuguly i guess we know where BM SITS ROFLMFAOPMSL YES MY SPIRIT GUIDES HAVE BEEN QUITE CHATTY OF LATE ONE IS GOING TO PAY A VISIT TO BM THEY HAVE A MESSAGE TO CONVAY SIGHS HEAVILY SHAKES HEAD

    Kris . . . this is really serious and nothing to joke about. I am sorry we don’t agree on certain things but this cyber bullying needs to stop. I am asking you to please not allow anymore of this cruelty on your blog.

    Thank you and seriously, I wish we met under different circumstances but c’est la vie.

    Bonne Chance.


    1. The reason there is no reasoning with you is because over and over you do the same thing. You take what I write which is the truth and you break it down and put your slant on it which is a lie.

      No, Bea, no … it’s you who cannot be reasoned with, and that’s because you have convinced yourself that your opinion is in fact the truth. This is simply not the case – your opinion, your belief is merely that … it may also be the case that one’s opinion is also demonstrably true, in which case you would be entitled to claim that. However, it has never been proven, by anyone, EVER, that it is possible to communicate with the dead. You are perfectly within your right to continue to hold this opinion … you do not, however, have the right to refer to it as the truth, especially if you don’t want to be challenged on it. You are entitled to your own opinions – you are not entitled to your own facts, and the facts are absolutely against you.

      If you wish to change this, the responsibility is yours to demonstrate that your claim is valid … the onus is on you to prove your case – it is not for me, or anyone else to roll over and accept your opinion without argument. So, as I’ve said before, if you want to continue asserting that your opinion is, in fact, “the truth”, you MUST convince me … otherwise, you have no right to expect me to take you seriously. Also, given the ridiculous nature of your claims, you have no right to expect that I, and others, won’t ridicule you.

      Kris . . . this is really serious and nothing to joke about. I am sorry we don’t agree on certain things but this cyber bullying needs to stop. I am asking you to please not allow anymore of this cruelty on your blog.

      I take this kind of thing very seriously, Bea, and by that I mean both bullying AND accusations of bullying. So far, I have yet to see comments posted here that suggest she is bullying you – if you wish to convince me that the words you posted above belong to her then you’d do well to link to the original comments on the original site instead of copy/pasting them into mine. Short of that I have no way of knowing for certain that you’re telling the truth. Additionally, given the nature of comments systems on many blogs, it’s more than possible for someone to post comments as someone else by knowing just the user name and email address they post under, so even then I cannot be certain that the words are hers and not of someone else faking it.

      In any case, if you feel that she is bullying you (and, as I said, she has not yet demonstrated that here), it might do you well not to engage with her here – surely it’s hard to be the victim of verbal bullying on a blog if you’re not on the blog in the first place. Granted you should not be made to feel like you’re unwelcome here by another commenter but, as I said, I’ve yet to see comments from her here that constitute definite abuse towards you. One thing I will say is that if either of you cannot play nice while you’re on my site, then you should leave now … I neither know, nor much care, about any run ins the two of you have had prior to arriving here, but now that you are here, you’ll behave, or you’ll be gone. If anyone bullies anyone, they’ll end up with my foot in their arse … clear?

  16. OK, let’s see if this helps Kris and read it with an open mind. Maybe this will help you understand what I do. I just know that I help people and THE PEOPLE I HELP ARE THE ONES THAT KNOW ME and they love me for it.

    I read for this woman for free a couple of weeks ago. I actually met her because of this mess with Kimberly on Facebook. She thinks she is pregnant. She went to the doctor and it was confirmed. . . she has all the symptoms. But I get the hit that she is not pregnant. She gets more tests. Now they are not sure. If she is pregnant she wants to get an abortion. I got the hit to write her the following just an hour ago


    You know sweetie . . . I remember getting the hit that you were not pregnant. It is really bizarre but I still feel you are not pregnant. It may be what is known as a hysterical pregnancy. Hysteria comes from the word Uterus. The mind is very very powerful and I want you to focus on releasing the energy in your womb whatever it is. I would love it if you did not have to go through anything traumatic.
    False pregnancy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    False pregnancy or hysterical pregnancy, most commonly termed pseudocyesis in humans and pseudopregnancy in other mammals, is the appearance of clinical and/or subclinical signs and symptoms associated with pregnancy when the person or animal is not pregnant. Clinically, false pregnancy is most comm…

    And this is what she wrote back just now . . .

    6 minutes ago

    Hey Bea, I had rescheduled my D&C for this morning at 7am but I got that job yesterday and they had an event I had to work today so I called and rescheduled my appt for next Saturday. I was cramping today (slightly more than I had been the past couple weeks, but not consistently, it came and went). Today on my drive home I felt a rush of fluid. I got home and went to the bathroom and it was bright red blood. It hasn’t been as much as a normal period, but it seems I’m miscarrying. I feel okay. I left a message for my doctor. I hope that it is a miscarriage and if so, thank god I got this job and had to reschedule otherwise I would have aborted today without needing to and always had that guilt in my mind. I’ll let you know what my doctor says. I read your message while I was at work and was going to meditate on it tonight. Thank you so much for your guidance. You really are gifted. [:)]




    1. Bea, you have been told time and time and time and time again: your third-hand anecdotes are proof of nothing. You know this. You know it well, and yet you continue touting the apparent words of others as if it were in any way meaningful. Testimony is worthless, Bea. Try again …

      You know what you need to do, but you refuse to do it because you fear it will expose you … call JREF – subject your abilities to mutually-agreed, reasonable experimental conditions. Until then, no more anecdotes … as I said, they’re worthless.

  17. pittyangel6660

    giving med advise is a bad idea if you arent educated and licensed to do so its illegal to get back on topic shes good at trying to sneak away from proving shes psychic i ll play nice kris how ever iam the only one who will by the by iam not even close to being 50 yet ta ta for now

  18. Here she goes again!! How I love to find sites where Beatrice is posting. I can read her drivel for hours. It’s rather like reading some parts of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest! Every day I now type her name in for a Google search, hoping beyond hope I will find something new, and I usually do!!! Having never dealt with anyone this insane, it is a learning experience for me. I wish I knew how to start a site just about our Beatrice, and put all of the postings I have been able to find by her and about her. I found one the other day where she had written a “poem” to a Japanese man. I can’t recite it, but it said something about “Japs are yellow.” I found one in which she called a Black man a gorilla, and of course, we know her feelings about gays whom she loving refers to as fags. It is a good thing that she has the dead to talk to. There probably aren’t many living people who have anything to do with her!! Rant, what did you ever do to have this idiot attach herself to you?

  19. Beatrice, give us names and contact information of people who hold you in such high esteem – but PLEASE only the living. You say that you have over 500 people who love you. Give us references to check.

    1. giving med advise is a bad idea if you arent educated and licensed to do

      True, but homeopaths and practitioners of other forms of unproven nonsense have been doing it for years, so why should a “psychic” be any different?

      shes good at trying to sneak away from proving shes psychic

      You noticed that too? Evidence is like party-invite wine; you can bring it if you ain’t got it …

      You’re like a bad penny.

      Rough around the edges and covered in weird green shit?

      It’s rather like reading some parts of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest!

      Only without the feel-good ending …

      I found one the other day where she had written a β€œpoem” to a Japanese man. I can’t recite it, but it said something about β€œJaps are yellow.”

      That’s Bea doing her bit for international relations

      I found one in which she called a Black man a gorilla

      Ah, that was her application to join the NAACP

      we know her feelings about gays whom she loving refers to as fags

      Don’t forget her calling us mentally ill as well!

      It is a good thing that she has the dead to talk to

      It’s because they don’t challenge her opinions and ego at all

      Rant, what did you ever do to have this idiot attach herself to you?

      I stumbled across her on Tony’s site and made the mistake of calling her out on her bullshit.

      Beatrice, give us names and contact information of people who hold you in such high esteem

      She won’t do that because it violates the privacy of the non-existent

  20. I’m sorry I’m unable to comment here on your blog with regard to this discussion, as there is now an investigation under way and all parties were asked two weeks ago not to comment publicly. I see Beatrice as usual is unable to stop, even going so far as to defy the orders of authorities. I’m sorry but she is a deeply disturbed person and you all should stop giving her any reaction and talking to her, she’s just sick, she can’t help it and can’t control it. Believe me, what she is doing is being investigated and will be resolved. I’ll let everyone know how it’s going once I can publicly and freely about it again. Thanks everyone, Kimberly

    1. I’m sorry I’m unable to comment here on your blog with regard to this discussion, as there is now an investigation under way and all parties were asked two weeks ago not to comment publicly.

      Thank you for taking the time to let me know … if what you’re saying is true (and I presently have no reason to believe otherwise), and there are comments posted here that the relevant authorities feel ought not to be available until the matter is resolved, please feel free to have them contact me directly with a view to temporarily removing them.

      In the meantime, Bea, it might behove you to hold off for the time being lest you continue to do yourself a greater disservice than you have done already.

  21. The power of love is healing . . .
    AUTHOR: Beatrice – Los Angeles (U.S.A.)

    SUBMITTED: Wednesday, January 28, 2009
    The following article was written by a new and wonderful friend named Ric and he has given me permission to post it. Ric is the man I read for the very afternoon of the day I chose to really forgive all the haters that have posted all these terrible lies about me.

    Aunt Bea
    by Ric Parish

    She has been accused of being homophobic and racist by some of her less evolved colleagues. But let this Philipino African American gay man tell you; psychic Beatrice Marot helped me to clearly see my life purpose.

    In this age of mass marketing, ponzie schemes and false profits/prophets, it is easy to be skeptical about anyone claiming to be a psychic. But when I finally decided to ask Bea to do my reading it was like putting on a pair of cosmic contact lenses. The blurred vision of my life was fine tuned to crystal clarity.

    Bea pulls no punches. She reads your chart with the skill and wisdom of a village high priestess. Indeed, she likes to refer to herself as the β€œHigh Priestess in Hollywood.”

    When I first met her I thought she was crazy but I came to realize the full power of a person that carries and channels spirits from multidimensional planes.

    As Bea began to read my chart, I felt a comforting sense of safety. It was as if I were being guided through my life and more importantly my life’s possibilities.

    I was stunned when she spoke of my deceased mother and the vision of pink butterflies radiating from her heart. Bea asked me β€œWhat does this mean to you…your mother says only you will know what this means.” Holding back emotion and tears I explained that my mother had a pink Balintawak (Butterfly) dress which is the national costume of The Philippines for women. β€œYour mother says she is very sorry for not accepting you for being gay and she now knows the truth. The truth that there is nothing wrong with being gay and she’s telling me she is even going to help you find your life partner.” That made me chuckle because my mom always liked to play the match maker for her unmarried friends and their daughters.

    β€œLet me tell you what your life purpose is not… It is no longer to find and fix damaged men. That is what you have been doing with your life and that time has come to an end.”

    Hearing the truth on that raw level was like being bitch slapped by Samuel L. Jackson in a Tarantino film. I was reminded of my past relationships….even my profession working in HIV. I was suddenly reminded of All of the pain the tears the regrets.

    Don’t get me wrong, working in the field gave me a great deal but the subtext of my need to fix others as a shield from looking at my own life, eventually caught up with me. And as with all of my past relationships suddenly and without warning, I dropped everything and walked away.

    Brutal honesty is designed to shock. It is designed to stimulate action.

    Action: β€œYou have 48 hours to expel a major negative force in your life…(I won’t name him)…you have to demonstrate to the universe that you are ready to accept success in your life.”

    Did I dare not heed the call? I took the action and my life began to change immediately. Was it a Placebo effect? Was it Karma in action? Who knows? Who cares? All I know is that it felt right and rang true to me.

    Channeling the likes of Tupac Shakur, Bea raps with an intensity that can only be found south of Wilshire Blvd. It is an authentic translation of the messages she channels from the iconic rapper and other artists that have passed to the other dimension but feel that their work here is not done. From the grave they inspire and teach her. She in turn passes on the message to those open enough to hear it.

    The psychic world is not without their haters. Indeed Bea has been slandered by the best or shall I say the worst of them.

    Many of us including Bea have found out the hard way: In Hollywood, talent can not only be a virtue; it can become a fearful threat. Especially to those who take their envy to uglier states of consciousness. This is what has happened to her. What is Bea’s response? β€œI choose to forgive them and move on.”

    All I can say is Bea is a better girl than I. Me? I’d go β€œApe-Ru Paul” on the bitches. But that’s why she’s the evolved one and I’m still learning.

  22. How do we know that you didn’t write that?? Just because you say someone else wrote it doesn’t prove it at all.

  23. Kris,

    Your hypocrisy and double standards are nauseating.

    Take care of yourself and your confused state of being.

    Enjoy the company of Tanila Price with whom you share many traits and have much in common.

  24. pittyangel6660

    Kris i seem to recall you asking for proof of ability from bea correct? that being said allow me to introduce my self,iam going by my middle name here so forgive . my name is Anne in reguards to bea proving herself legit, she has failed the test Barbara and i came up with this gee i guess beas guides must be on vacation here. but we all know the truth she has no abilities. i can say this with pride pic a rainbow flag waving at our wedding . I AM BARBARAS WIFE, WE HAVE BEEN MARRIED FOR THE BETTER PART OF 10 YEARS, HER AGE IS NOT 50+ SHES IN HER 40s as am i KISS KISS KRIS AND BEA

  25. Beatrice, would you believe me if I told you that I have a really close relationship with Tecumseh. I was watching a very interesting special on him the other night – one I may use for one of my classes. I was so impressed with him and his fight for his people, that when I went to sleep, I sent out vibes to him. I told him that I wanted to meet him and be his friend. He came to me that very night. We talked for hours. He is so fascinating! Wait, he is talking to me now. Got to go. Okay, I’m back. He told me that you probably wouldn’t believe that I was talking with him, Beatrice, but he wants you to check with Tupac. Tupac can tell you that Tecumseh and I are in fact great friends!!!!

    1. Your hypocrisy and double standards are nauseating

      You think my being reasonable is hypocritical? Bea, I don’t know who’s telling the truth with so many accusations flying backwards and forwards. All I do know is that you haven’t at any point struck me as being particularly credible. I’m sorry if you don’t like the fact that I’m erring on the side of caution by asking everyone to play nice, keep the abuse down, and to offering my help in resolving issues by ensuring that no-one drops either themselves or anyone else in the shit by saying things they shouldn’t …

      Your fickleness, frankly, is nauseating. One minute you’re hurling abuse at me, the next you’re wishing me well and trying to come across all conciliatory and rational. My advice? Stick to that last one … there’s a lot of things being said here, and you are not looking very good right now … calm down, get a grip, and try to see that there are clearly issues in desperate need of resolution and your beligerance isn’t helping.

      HER AGE IS NOT 50+ SHES IN HER 40s

      Sorry, I obviously got the wrong impression from somewhere that Bea was 51, maybe 52 … my bad

      Beatrice, would you believe me if I told you that I have a really close relationship with Tecumseh

      Is he the one in Stargate: SGI? πŸ™‚

  26. pittyangel6660

    sorry Kris the one who isnt in he 50s would be barbara and myself anne that was in answer to beas accusation that barbara is 50 + shes got a way to go before that birthday hits then its time for a whiz bang party you only turn 50 once unless your like bea and take on the age of the dead is that what the fountian of youth is about ? geee we wonder ; }

  27. Why, that is indeed the Tecumseh!!! I was one of the people who helped unlock the secret to the Stargate. I went through several times, and on one of those trips, I met Crazy Horse. He told me that I would really enjoy talking with Tecumseh.

    Okay – maybe part of this is just stuff that I am making up to show Beatrice how idiotic her claims are. Well, maybe I am making up all of it. To me it sounds just as plausible as the claims made by Beatrice!

  28. Kris, I am always nice and kind, compassionate and caring. I have never and I mean never betrayed a friend or person in my life. You were mean, cruel and unkind from the minute you wrote your first post.

    I can give as good as I get . . . but being mean is not pleasant and I don’t like it. I would rather project love because in the end that is who we are, that is what we are and that is what we return to so we might as well align with love and as my boy Tupac says, “It’s never too late to stop the hate and that comes straight from G.O.D. Gangsta of Destiny.”

    Death is a doorway back to love and through death we learn how to love on this Earth.



    So thank you all for playing your part in the movie of my life.

    I am NOW an even bigger, better more powerful channel for LOVE!

  29. What about Billy Zane? Didn’t you betray him by posting online some very private information he told you in a reading??? I, myself, would consider that a betrayal, and you were the one who boasted of what great friends you were.

  30. I just got the hit to look at James Randi’s Facebook page and look what I found . . . again. This is the second time I have seen the following post from Tony Ryan. Tony, how old are you? And why are you spamming people with my Facebook page.

    Coffee Loving Skeptic
    This “lady” is a psychic/medium who finds it acceptable to harass me via email with abusive language. Nice. How very spiritual of her.
    Beatrice Marot

    If what I wrote seemed abusive to you, then post it.

    Of course Kris King is not abusive at all. He’s just a picture of the milk of human kindness.

    Again the double standards and hypocrisy between the two of you is really something else.

  31. pittyangel6660

    YOU WOULDNT HAVE TO LOOK HARD AT ALL WILLOW THEY`LL JUMP INTO THE CONVERSATION WILLINGLY . ITS AMAZING AT THE AMT OF PEOPLE WHO DONT LIKE BEING CONNED @ THE RISK OF BEING ATTACKED AGAIN IF YOU DISSAGREE WITH PRIESTESS BM SHE SENDS BAD MOJO AT YA BUT I LL TAKE THE CHANCE ANNE DID HAVE TO GO TO WORK SO BARBARAS ON LINE i have been accused of calling for her death and the like personaly i wouldnt do that to the devil poor dude has his hands full with the likes of hitler same diffrence really both homophobes exct and i have the screen shots of the accusations not some cut paste jobbys shows the sight names and all that fun stuff here she comes lol i thought she was leaving you did say something about a bad penny tom this should be educational

  32. pittyangel6660

    Tony get screen shots and send them to me please barbaraevans @facebook i do applogise for getting your name wrong and calling you tom and Kris if you can send kimberly an e mail address for the detective she would appreciate it greatly thank you or you can send the screen shots to kimberly glasnapp@ facebook much appreciated all barb e

  33. The only thing the detectives are investigating is the sex ad that Kimberly created on Christmas Eve and gave the men emailing her my phone number.

    She can write anything she wants about me on line. I can sue her in civil court for libel but not criminal court. It’s called Freedom of Speech.

    Solicitation of sex is against the law.

    This is what Kimberly Glasnapp did to me on Christmas Eve. She always spells psychic wrong and I have plenty of screen shots of that fact.

    Ohhh its Xmas eve and I so horny – Have partyfavorties – w4m – 52 (Burbank)
    Date: 2011-12-24, 7:44PM PST
    Hot and lonely – not afraid of a little com in my hair. Shaved clean. Love all big types men. Let Beatrice give you a phsychic reading … I see youre going to be getting lots of sex…

    message me … you might get my phone number.

    Kimberly gave both my cell number and my home number and I never give my cell number to anyone. In fact, it was disconnected in September since I never used it … but I gave it to Kimberly.

  34. pittyangel6660

    thank you Kris i shall relay to kim bea get off the cross someone else needs the wood i just got “THE HIT”from sandy my partner whos on the other side waitting for us that was her through & through love and miss you my love

  35. Kim made this whole thing up and wants people to believe it is me. This is how crazy this woman is and she does this throughout her blog pretending to be different people but it is mostly her but of course you are there Kris and you are a real person. Thank Kris for proving my point again, not that it needed proving of what a depraved, cruel primate you are. Like attracts Like. You two are a match made in hell.

    fuckkimcuntbitch says:
    January 3, 2012 at 12:10 am
    you’re a cunt
    β€’ Kimberly Glasnapp says:
    January 6, 2012 at 8:01 pm
    Thank you for being stupid enough to leave a comment (vulgar as it is) and leaving me your i.p. address along with email,
    o barbara evans says:
    January 6, 2012 at 9:11 pm
    whats the bet its bm ? such a classless pos thats just lovely shes just pissed because shes not getting layed aww sucks to be her dont it ?!!! lma

    Does this sound like a 45 year old mother talking . . . and Barbara Evans and Midnight Angel are the same person.

    β€’ Kimberly Glasnapp says:
    January 20, 2012 at 5:54 am
    Uhg no don’t listen to HER! She’s just trying to hurt you dear. She called me ugly and wrinkly! Hey maybe I have wrinkles but you can fix that, I’m still beautiful on the inside where it counts, and also, I have way better boobs than her! lmao! Have you seen those saggy ugly national geographic boobs she flops around everyday with no bra? It’s absolutely ofFENsive! lmao! and I swear she has no teeth, there’s a reason she only posts pics of herself that are at least 20 years old! She knows she’s ugly. and omg Midnight Angel you crack me up! Yes that cunt remark, how stupid, childish unoriginal and completely lame idiotic thing to do, that email address made up with the foul name and just to leave that stupid little sentence like that to tell me off. She doesn’t even have the brains to be a worthy rival. She’s as dumb as dirt. and as ugly too. That’s why she’s hurling around the insults, you know how she loves to accuse everyone else of being what she is, and that’s FUGLY. Fugly – definition: Felony Ugly – meaning someone SO fucking ulgy that they should be arrested for it.
    β€’ midnightangel6660 says:
    January 20, 2012 at 6:51 am
    oh you have fuglys to cool i thought that was a ny thing ours is a bit diffrent our classification is from fugly to bum fugly to the ubra bumfugulyuguly i guess we know where BM SITS ROFLMFAOPMSL YES MY SPIRIT GUIDES HAVE BEEN QUITE CHATTY OF LATE ONE IS GOING TO PAY A VISIT TO BM THEY HAVE A MESSAGE TO CONVAY SIGHS HEAVILY SHAKES HEAD

  36. Don’t you love how much class this woman has Kris . . .

    barbara evans says:
    January 6, 2012 at 9:11 pm
    whats the bet its bm ? such a classless pos thats just lovely shes just pissed because shes not getting layed aww sucks to be her dont it ?!!! lma

    Kris . . . you should know who you are dealing with don’t you think? Barbara Evans wants to deny she is midnightangel6660 . . . why my deductive reasoning and her facebook page has concluded that she is. She claims she is a psychic and a ghost hunter too Kris. Wow, just your type. Too bad she’s married.

  37. pittyangel6660

    back the fuck up there beast i never said i wasnt midnight angel nor did i say i was psychic nor did i say i was a ghost hunter at least have the decency to tell real not fake crap i happen to like watching ghost hunters international & ghost adventures and i am pretty sure you got the getting layed quote wrong i ll have to check kims blog for accuracy brb applogies for the cussing Kris

  38. And Kris . . . you said you wanted links or proof that Kimberly is stalking me while trying to convince the world that I am stalking her.

    Here is the evidence my dear Watson.

  39. You know, it’s funny to me that so many people say that if you don’t believe in a higher power of some variety that your life must have no meaning. It seems to me that your approach to life is so much more empowering. Without some sort of outside influence, every decision you make actually means something. I’m not sure how people can believe that it means nothing if there’s not an outside influence.

    Think of it like WWE “wrestling” (do they have that kind of thing in the UK?) vs. boxing. In “wrestling” the whole bout is scripted: every move, every hit, and, ultimately the winner, are all decided ahead of time. That makes those fights entertaining (to some) but ultimately meaningless. Boxing, on the other hand, has no set outcome so the fights are also entertaining (to some) and much more meaningful because you know that every blow landed is in the hands of the fighter, not the guy up in the booth.

    Also, happy birthday, and my condolences about Leeloo.

    1. Katherine
      You know, it’s funny to me that so many people say that if you don’t believe in a higher power of some variety that your life must have no meaning.

      Me too … I find it sad that people aren’t able to realise that meaning given to you is not meaning but function. If you have to have someone tell you what your purpose of existence is then you’re no better than a vacuum cleaner. Whatever meaning our lives may have comes from us, those we choose to share it with, and everything we choose to do (or not to do).

      Think of it like WWE β€œwrestling” (do they have that kind of thing in the UK?)

      Sadly we do … we have WWE and, I’m sure, our own incarnation of such scripted, lycra-clad, not-at-al-massively-homo-erotic comedy …

      Boxing, on the other hand, has no set outcome

      Except obviously when large quantities have cash are involved πŸ™‚

      Also, happy birthday, and my condolences about Leeloo.

      Thank you, and thank you … she was a half-blind, mad old dear who we miss greatly

  40. Well, I know you are a liar demon from hell Barbara Evans and Kris only wants proof as in evidence. Funny here you are and you claim to be a medium on this paranormal site.

    PersonalParanormalForumConnectionsVideosPhotosBlockingGuestbookBlogMy Wall
    United States
    Quick Description:
    i am a medium
    Public Profile List:

  41. pittyangel6660

    yea you need to rest alright all those hits to the head have knocked that last brain cell loose when are you going to tell the gallery about how i so called ordered your death yes i know all about those accusations and alot more than you know besides by the way iam over here in ny and in all honsty you aint worth going to jail over and besides all i have to do is show the evidence i have against you go ahead run your yap some more you mention my name in public forum i am entitled to come after you keep that in mind I REST MY CASE and by the way you have more than 1 blog reviewstalk or did you forget about that one opps you didnt get the hit on that sucks to be you dont it

  42. Yes, when you accused me of being this woman. Poor Suzanne Artemoff who is a real person . . . Dona in animal rescue gave her the name of the wrong Barbara Evans. And here you are accusing me of being her and saying that I should be “put down” which is a term for murder.

    barbara evans says:
    December 26, 2011 at 9:37 pm

    i have indeed confirmed that suzanne artemoff is psycho bitch beatrice marot how i know this is when i was following my gut about the senior chi in cali going to utah the one i was asked to pull from devore for sue the pic on the fb page is a match for the one shown here in the blog they are the same person inspite of the fact that shes using the poor dog in the pic as a shield by the way i suggest to who ever the rescue is to snag that poor dog away and put them somewhere safe to see how unbalanced she really is go see the screen shots i took of the email from the psycho bitch i posted them yesterday and taged kim & cass to them shes a psycho nut case that needs to be put down

  43. So Kris, now you can see what I have been dealing with since October 16th of 2011.

    So could you find it in your heart to please give me a break. I would really appreciate it.

    Take care of yourself and all you love,


  44. And Barbaram the detective in charge of my case does have the link to Rant’s page since it is on Kimberly’s blog.

    I also just posted the total of 12 other links of hate pages created by Kimberly which are still awaiting moderation from Kris as I write.

    Six on Facebook
    Three on Rip Off Report
    One on Scaminformer
    One on WordPress that took 45 pages to print out!
    One on Blogspot

    But thank you for all your help in making my case even stronger. I really appreciate it.

    Keep posting.

  45. Kris, I double posted this post . . . sorry about that. You may want to delete the first one and keep the second but do as you wish.

    fuckkimcuntbitch says:
    January 3, 2012 at 12:10 am
    you’re a cunt
    β€’ Kimberly Glasnapp says:
    January 6, 2012 at 8:01 pm
    Thank you for being stupid enough to leave a comment (vulgar as it is) and leaving me your i.p. address along with email,

  46. Kris, how many people do you know that use the word beast that are as illiterate as Barbara Evans and Kimberly Glasnapp . . . It does get confusing doesn’t it?

    On January 23, 2012 pittyangel6660 says:

    back the fuck up there beast i never said i wasnt midnight angel


    Kimberly Glasnapp says:
    January 11, 2012 at 6:18 am

    He fell from Heaven when God learned Beast kept using his name in vein.

    OH and by the way – that detective she sicked on me, lol, was going to call her as soon as we hung and tell her not to post on the boards anymore or comment on anything and to leave me alone but she can’t. And I have proof she’s doing everything she was told not to do, while I’m doing everything I’m supposed to be doing (what else is new) so if she’s emailing that detective like she says she’s just telling on herself. She’s so dumb. That’s okay, if she doesn’t, I will. I knew she would blow it like this!! roflmao!!

    On January 22, 2012 Kimberly Glasnapp says:

    I’m sorry I’m unable to comment here on your blog with regard to this discussion, as there is now an investigation under way and all parties were asked two weeks ago not to comment publicly. I see Beatrice as usual is unable to stop, even going so far as to defy the orders of authorities. I’m sorry but she is a deeply disturbed person and you all should stop giving her any reaction and talking to her, she’s just sick, she can’t help it and can’t control it. Believe me, what she is doing is being investigated and will be resolved. I’ll let everyone know how it’s going once I can publicly and freely about it again. Thanks everyone, Kimberly

  47. pittyangel6660

    well ya know what i know you had complaints board remove the blog you had on there i have the screen shot of that as well as well as the fugly e mail you sent to my fb page where you gave the real reason of pulling this crap you wanted to hurt kim like she hurt you when she took HER DOGS BACK & YES THEY WERE HER DOGS YOUR A PSYCHO THAT THREATENED HER WITH DUMPING THEM NOW YOU WANT A PISSING CONTEST I9 SAW WHERE YOU TOLD HER ALL THE PAIN SHE WAS FEELING WAS SENT FROM YOU NOW WHO IS THE PSYCHO TADA BM IN THE FLESH I KNOW SHE JUST PUT A NEW POST UP THIS IS FUN THANKS KRIS THIS IS MORE ENTERTAINING THAN WATCHING JUST PIC THE JOKE OF TV LAND OF YOUR CHOICE PERSONALY I LIKE GRAHM NORTON

  48. pittyangel6660


  49. The Detective has the complaint board blog as well as the one that Kimberly created using my name after I took it down and I also deleted my entire profile and then Kimberly created a profile using my name as in IMPERSONATING ME AS IN IDENTITY THEFT and that is also against the law.

    Kris, I forgot about that one . . . it is hard to keep up with Kimberly. And there’s more. I just need Barbara the Pit Bull from Hell with images of mutilated animals all over her Facebook page to remind me what they are.

  50. pittyangel6660


  51. Barbara, you are no friend to Kimberly. A friend would tell her to stop and to move on three months later. No, you get off on this sick vendetta. Neither one of you could care less about the dogs. They could have been rehomed together in October and again in December but Kimberly separated them instead just to hurt me. She called the woman I was fostering for and asked for help and Ashley got them rehomed together the very next day with her best friend from childhood in San Diego.

    Why? Because she is infested with demons just like you.

    Kris, this is without a doubt what in the ancient past would be called Demon Possession. I would bet money that Barbara has seizures and all kinds of illnesses just like Kim. Now, replace the word demon with virus or another scientific name of a “disorder” or “disease” mental or physical.

    It’s the same thing to me. Like God and Universe. I say Universe because I do not see God as a person or entity but as a place. So Universe is a better word and it is all pervasive and the energy that holds it all together is the stuff that souls are made of.

    And that is what I do . . . help people get in touch with that soul energy and see that wow . . . I really am made in the image and likeness of the Universe.

    One Song! One Verse! and it’s saying to me right now,
    “Time to Rock the House Bea!”

  52. pittyangel6660

    did you know they use to spay people like you so you couldnt repropduce you talk to people who aint there for all i know see them as well go psycho on a reg basis that was only back in the 60s

    1. Bea, Barbara, Kimberly, Dora, Nora, Bora, John-Boy, I’m not interested in being the referee for a massive bitching session … clearly there are unresolved issues here, and from where I’m sitting they all seem to be on Bea’s end of the see-saw (btw, Bea, “collating evidence” does not equate to “stalking”).

      Now, all of you calm down and play nice, or daddy will take your toys away and send you to your rooms without any supper …

  53. Except obviously when large quantities have cash are involved.

    Yeah, I was going to say something about that, but I figured there were enough parentheticals in that comment already (however much I love using parenthetical statements πŸ™‚ ). Do you think, if there’s a god, he’s got money on how the universe turns out?

    My younger sister has had a few pet rats in the past and they are the sweetest, smartest, most entertaining little things. It’s a shame they live such short lives . . . .

  54. Yeah right . . . People always create 45 page long hate blogs and follow you all over the net or have their equally deranged friend do it . . wherever they see you post . . . but stalking. . . nah

    Kris, I rest my case with you too . . . your brains have fallen out a long time ago to quote a certain someone. There is no reasoning with you because you clearly have no sense of right and wrong . . no sense period.

    Have a good life.

  55. Beatrice Marot has a long history of ugly internet battles with many people. She creates nasty situations, then jumps on her computer to publicly malign, harass and stalk the individuals who have had the misfortune of interacting with her. Just Google her name and dozens of examples of her horrific behavior will pop up. In her deluded mind, she has done nothing wrong. She is the victim! What she fails to realize is that she is the common denominator in all these nasty situations. In my opinion, the woman is certifiably insane. Her narcissistic, bigoted, homophobic rants clearly define her as a sociopath or psychopath.

  56. pittyangel6660

    eyes down cast lower lip pokes out trembling fake tears (saline induced) whimpers no daddy not without supper !!! someone needs to call a waaaaaaammmmbbbblllllaaannnncccceee for for ms pathetic over there who thinks this is still the dark ages when it comes to seizures which i happen to live with no crime in that but the crime of ignorance is unforgivable think of all the kids who live with them do you have any idea how many suicide over it the numbers are high thank dog she never had kids and your brain is just fine kris although you know this already- and pot calling the kettle black on common sense bm

  57. Happy birthday Kris! I only hope that when I’m 38 I too will be kicking idiocy up the arse as decisively as you.

    1. Katherine
      Do you think, if there’s a god, he’s got money on how the universe turns out?

      I don’t know, but according to “Old Harry’s Game” (a highly-recommended BBC Radio 4 sitcom, set in hell, and written by an atheist who also plays the permanently frustrated devil), god had a bet on with the angels as to which would become the dominant form of life, and lost because he favoured the giraffes πŸ™‚

      My younger sister has had a few pet rats in the past and they are the sweetest, smartest, most entertaining little things. It’s a shame they live such short lives

      My b/f Raven persuaded me to let him have some (I’d previously been wary, but he used the clever propaganda technique of getting me to watch “Ratatouille” before asking if we could get rats) – I totally fell in love with them … we’ve had 17 over the years so far (we currently have 9), and we’ve 17 completely unique personalities. It genuinely astonished me – spend enough time around mammals, with whom we share a common ancestor, and our joint lineage becomes utterly undeniable. So intelligent, so adorable …

      Beatrice Marot has a long history of ugly internet battles with many people

      So I’ve discovered … but my sanity has remained intact – so far πŸ™‚

      What she fails to realize is that she is the common denominator in all these nasty situations

      You’d have thought that was the biggest clue, but apparently not …

      your brain is just fine kris

      You say that, but I’m the one that has to live in it πŸ™‚

      Schaden Freud
      Happy birthday Kris! I only hope that when I’m 38 I too will be kicking idiocy up the arse as decisively as you.

      Thank you, that’s far too kind – it helps to have a good solid pair of Doc Martens πŸ™‚

  58. Beatrice Marot wrote: “A friend would tell her to stop and to move on three months later. No, you get off on this sick vendetta.” And yet she has been involved in a mostly one sided battle with Chip Coffey for several years. Yet another glaring example of her hypocrisy and mental instability.

  59. For sure! She vacillating between asking him to tell people how great she is and telling him what a slime he is – all in one email!! True epitome of a psycho!!!

  60. Kris, just for the police record …

    wd40 is in fact Kimberly Glasnapp.

    This is from Complaint’s Board post that I deleted from the internet after sending it to the Detective in charge of my case.

    Kimberly/wd40 . . . you are the one that is hopeless. I understand why you do what you do though. You get a lot of love and appreciation from people who think you are sincere and really love animals but they don’t know you at all. The way you have handled Gracie and Chanel and myself is the dark side of you and it’s pitch black. Girl, you don’t need a shrink . . . you need an exorcist.

    The six rambling notes you have on your Facebook page have been screened shot and reported. And I saw you’ve contacted Chip Coffey. Maybe you could be on Paranormal State and he could perform the exorcism live on television.

    3rd of Jan, 2012 by Beatrice

    Here is more proof that Kimberly is wd40. Please notice how she writes Chip Coffey’s name Coffee in this post.
    1st of Jan, 2012 by wd40

    You’d better go in for a tune up on your “psychic abilities, ” Beatrice Marot. My name is not Tanila Price or Tammy Alenduff or Kimberly Glasnapp or Chip Coffee. Funny, isn’t it, how everyone else but YOU lies?

    And here is Kim excusing herself for writing Chip’s name Coffee instead of Coffey.

    Kimberly Glasnapp
    All those threads she’s made or circulated to dog this poor guy will NEVER fit in this post so I have to re-create the list of complaints back and forth with a brief summary. Sorry I haven’t had time to finish this. I’m trying to do ten things at once rather than each one at a time but I don’t have much of choice, my list of priorities is a little too long right now. I hate most that this is taking me away from the time I normally invest in animal rescue. I know I shouldn’t but I have no choice now that she’s called the police, I have to just get it over with. What I had hoped would die down had just escalated horribly, mostly because I didn’t take her crap, fought back and defended myself furiously and so did my friends, and a few of her friends so that’s why she’s just on a mission to destroy me. I won’t tag you in this because you might not want it in your pics or wall so I’ll just tag you here Chip Coffey … oh my, I’m so sorry, I just realized I’ve been misspelling your name! I’ll fix that. Oh what a big dummy I am! lol. Thanks for being kind enough to accept my friend invitation on Myspace and it’s great to have you in my Fb network as well. If you ever want a little rescue doggie I might be able to recommend a good rescue in your area. Adopt don’t shop. β™₯ Thanks again!


    This is Kimberly’s Facebook page

    This is Kimberly’s fake page Sara Harrington Cross

    On that page she promotes herself and asks people to give Kimberly money and she hates on me . . .

    Sara Harrington Cross
    We are talking about a dangerous sociopath in the animal rescue community, please share this and warn your friends

    23 hrs 45 mins ago by Beatrice

    Kimberly constantly creates sock puppets to give herself props and hate on me at the same time. It is incredible the amount of time she spends stalking me and just showing the world a true sociopath at work.

    wd40 is Kimberly without a doubt.

    30th of Dec, 2011 by wd40

    Keep up the good work, Kimberly Glasnapp. Beatrice Marot needs to learn that if you f**k with the wrong people, it will come back and bite you in the ass.

    23 hrs 26 mins ago by Beatrice

    So here we have Kimberly saying the following about me . . .

    30th of Dec, 2011 by wd40 0 Votes
    Read the comments posted by Beatrice Marot on this page and you’ll see what a nasty mouthed, argumentative c**t she really is . . .

    and she gives the link to Tony’s page where you and I first met Kris . . and I apologized for being so rude to you even though I was just trying to show you how you sound. Remember?

    And these are a few comments from a pornographic exchange that CB took down because of TOU violations. I have just extracted Kimberly’s only.

    The REAL Kimberly Glasnapp

    33 mins ago by wd40 -3 Votes
    How do I say this nicely, Toads Tool? GO F–K YOURSELF!

    31 mins ago by wd40 -2 Votes
    Squibs, I happen to be female and straight. And I don’t like guys with small equipment, like you.

    27 mins ago by wd40 -3 Votes
    Ragon, check your breath. It smells like dick.

    21 mins ago by wd40 -1 Votes
    Squibs: Sorry, princess, but you are the one who like to bend over and take it like a man while squealing like a girl.

    14 mins ago by wd40 0 Votes
    Squibs, if I was a lesbian and wanted d–k, I’d call your mom.

    REAL CLASS ACT . . .

    Kris, enjoy your new friends.

    And Tanila Price, please post the non-existent threads of me stalking Chip Coffey. You cannot because there is none. The only time I ever post other then my one legitimate Rip Off Report is when you stalk me with all of your lies and hate on many different sites . . . and now Kimberly has learned from the master stalker and cyber bully.

    A 64 year old self-professed witch from Alpharetta, Georgia.


    On January 23, 2012 wd40 says:
    Beatrice Marot has a long history of ugly internet battles with many people. She creates nasty situations, then jumps on her computer to publicly malign, harass and stalk the individuals who have had the misfortune of interacting with her. Just Google her name and dozens of examples of her horrific behavior will pop up. In her deluded mind, she has done nothing wrong. She is the victim! What she fails to realize is that she is the common denominator in all these nasty situations. In my opinion, the woman is certifiably insane. Her narcissistic, bigoted, homophobic rants clearly define her as a sociopath or psychopath.

    Anything negative written online about me is written by you, Chip Coffey, Tammy Alenduff and Tanila Price. AND THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR OVER THREE YEARS. TANILA PRICE IS THE WORST OFFENDER.

    And now sadly Kris King and Tony Ryan are doling out the hate and that is my own fault for thinking I could change an atheist/skeptic’s mind about anything. I was wrong. 100% WRONG and I have paid dearly for that mistake AND I WILL NEVER ENGAGE A SKEPTIC AGAIN.












  62. thank you ladies and gents its a long haul of that there is no doubt its nice to know that sanity is still alive out there after a while you start to wonder to date there has been no evidence of psychic ability plenty of bs but you know this already

  63. I forgot to say, Happy Birthday the other day…… rude of me! Better late than never. πŸ™‚

    I see you have been busy though, over ninety comments and climbing…..I’m impressed!

    Interesting that in light of your post about probability, that if we take the current world death rate around, 1.78 per second = circa 153K per day or approx 4.6 mill per 30 day month……that’s an awful lot of people apparently passing on to the next life……..a big queue of people trying to talk/contact the living via a so called telepathic connection, but apparently if you are famous you get privelged rights and are allowed to queue jump and contact us pretty much striaght away……but some strange rules prohibit you from communicating anything useful! Bummer!!

    1. The Doubter
      I forgot to say, Happy Birthday the other day…… rude of me! Better late than never.

      Thank you muchly!

      I see you have been busy though, over ninety comments and climbing…..I’m impressed!

      Almost all of that is because my “psychic” nemesis followed me here after the rest of the internet told her to fuck off.

      if you are famous you get privelged rights and are allowed to queue jump and contact us pretty much striaght away

      The afterlife is clearly just as bollocks as this one is the …

      but some strange rules prohibit you from communicating anything useful!

      Odd that, innit? The dead seem to be rubbish at getting through, but once the “psychic” has found someone in the room whose knows a dead person called John, the clarity of the messages improve by leaps and bounds. Incredible!

  64. Beatrice, you are never done. You have hounded many people for YEARS!!! They will stop posting, and you will go to another site you find and start again. You are an evil woman. You wouldn’t know love if it bit you in the behind. That is why you are still single. You may appear pretty on the outside to a man, but you are like an apple that is beautiful, red and shiny. Then you bite into it and it is filled with worms. It doesn’t take any person long figure out what you are.

  65. I wish I had a dollar for every time Beatrice Marot has posted on message boards that she’s leaving, she’s done, she’s never going to post on another message board again or “I HAVE WONDERFUL BEAUTIFUL HEALING WORK TO DO ON THIS EARTH AND THAT IS WHERE I AM GOING TO FOCUS MY ENERGIES FROM THIS MINUTE ON.” (She is very fond of screaming in all caps.) Any sane, rational personal would realize that every time she posts, she’s making herself look even more crazy, but sane and rational are two words that will never apply to Beatrice.

  66. pittyangel6660

    With ya on that wd40.a jacket that makes you hug yourself or a hook and loop dress and a dart gun full of Thorazine would be a good thing and not at all out of line here. from what ive seen these last couple of months the words baker act fit to a T.(COURT ORDERED 90 DAY EVAL) they might be able to persuade a Dr for 2 weeks that there fine but after that the real story of just how psychotic they really are starts making its self known

  67. Kris,

    Your new buddy, cyber stalker and pathological liar Kimberly Glasnapp sent me the following this morning. I have not emailed her since December 28th when I filed my police report yet she continues to harass me online and on Facebook lying to her friends with the following post in an absurd attempt to make it look like I am stalking her.

    Kimberly Glasnapp
    This is her song. I’m busy again today fighting a really evil horrible person, why not dedicate a little mood music to go with it, right?
    The Rolling Stones – Sympathy For The Devil -HQ

    Then, she emails me this morning,

    “This harassment of me has continued to escalate from you even though I’ve never responded directly to any of your messages or comments since our falling out Dec 16, 2012. I’m supposed to inform you inform you of my intention, so I tried to call you today but you’re phone numbers went to a voice mail box of someone I didn’t recognize so I didn’t leave a message, please consider this is formal notice that I am filing a Civil Harassment Suit against you and will be asking the court to grant me an order of protection from you.”

    Kimberly Glasnapp

    Kimberly aka wd40, the Detective in charge of my case is very aware that you are trying to make it look like I am stalking you and she’s not buying it. I have forwarded your emails to her. She actually told me I should file a restraining order against you.

    Any words of wisdom for your new friend Kris. Like “Get a life!”

    Thank you and sorry to bother you.

  68. Beatrice Marot – What you don’t seem to comprehend is that you have a long history of internet battles with many people. All that anyone, including an LAPD detective, has to do is type your name into any search engine and numerous entries that clearly identify you as the perpetrator will appear. Stop trying to sell yourself as a victim because no one is buying it! There are many people who are willing and eager to testify against you in court.

  69. Kimberly Glasnapp – What you don’t seem to comprehend is that everything negative written about me is written by YOU, Tanila Price, Chip Coffey and Tammy Alenduff. And the District Attorney knows this. I had to explain all the bullying I have been through since Chip Coffey decided to purchase my legal birth name as a URL in 2005 and redirect it to his website and YOU CHRONICLED IT ALL ON YOUR 45 PLUS PAGE HATE PAGE ABOUT ME. Thank you for that. It really helped my case a lot.

    Where is my hate page on you? Oh right, there is none, just rebuttals on the ripoff reports you created which I begged you not to do. I have all my emails too Kimberly and I tried and tried for weeks to be nice and to end this civilly, but you refused. Now you will have to pay the price.

    You broke the law with your solicitation of sex ad on Craigslist.

    Now, stop harassing me online Kimberly Glasnapp as Detective Jimenez asked you to do.

    Kris, please tell this woman to stop with her cyber bullying. I understand you are against that from what I have read on your blog. Thank you!

  70. Beatrice Marot – You are trying very hard to cover your tracks and remove the horrible things that you have posted about others on the internet. What you fail to realize is that many people have screen captures of the things you posted. So keep it up, Beatrice. And if you do, it won’t get better, it will just get much, much worse.

  71. pittyangel6660

    some dont get the point does she ??Kris wd40 willow the sane people here .Bea the only one whos harassing people is you

  72. Kimberly Glasnapp _ I am not trying to cover anything. I have nothing to hide. And here you are threatening me that is it going to get much much worse. Sending this threat to Officer Jimenez now.

  73. Oh, Beatrice Marot – Stop being so dramatic. No one is threatening you. Just stating the facts. If you continue to create problems, things will not improve. And you are very good at creating problems.

  74. Hey there people, I know I’m such a stalker here this is is my 2nd comment on this blog! oh gee I’m so scared that cop is going to get copies of this! roflmao hey there peole, how’s it going today here in looney ville? Where is this threat I’m accused of making? and how do you like those comments up there, admitting to still stalking my Facebook pages every day publicly while asking ME to leave HER alone, even though it’s plain to see that SHE is the one harassing ME here on this blog and everywhere else. I only sent Beatrice a message because the court clerk said I’m required by law to notify her I’m asking the court for a restraining order so that’s why I sent the message, because the phone number I had for her didn’t work. That date she shows I sent in my email to her was a typ-o, I wrote Dec 16 and immediately sent an email with the correct date of Oct 16th. Oh and by the way, you’re all aware that I’m the original complainant right? That I’m the one who contact police and got assistance removing the dogs from her “care” and have been stalked and slandered by her since that day when she’d written a public Note and had shared it by the time I got home that day from taking back the dogs. I think it’s pretty clear that Beatrice is no victim, that she is the clear aggressor and we all know she repeats this same pattern over and over with different people. I have tons of evidence to prove it, she has no evidence, that’s why they remove the stuff she tries to post about me on the DNA page, because she never has evidence to show, the crap she posts as evidence – it just proves my point, go look at what her “evidence” is, I’ve caught her in more lies and inconsistencies than I can even keep track of, and has even altered copies of messages and posted them, they all know this was just a foster gone bad and that she’s only going after because I didn’t give her her way. I have hundreds of pages of email messages, Facebook messages to me as well as over a dozen people who’ve sent me messages they got from her about me. She’s nervously trying to turn this table too, but it won’t work. and just to prove a point, I sent you the notice in the form of a reply to the last email I got from you on that account the screen shot she sent out to me and 48 of my friends and associates (she didn’t blind copy them)of my comment saying she was probably going to stalk me to my grave, she sent it to me in a screen shot with a message that said simply “CREATE THE FUTURE!” That is a threat, and she knows it, and so is trying to turn the tables like she always does, and say that I am the one threatening her, that I am the one not letting this thing go. That is such a pack of lies and since she’s chosen public forums to slander and harass me, it’s in the public that she will be exposed for what she really is, the real cyber bully. People have eyes and can read, they can see it all and put it together and see the only person bullying anyone here and on the other boards is Beatrice Marot. I’ve never responded directly to any of her messages or comments hoping it would die down, but her accusations were so hurtful I felt I the need to defend myself against them, but that is the only response I’ve ever given, was to defend myself against her accusations and my refusal to be victimized by her or allow her to victimize my daughter apparently has her in shock, and she can’t believe I’m fighting back. I don’t know why she thought she could just ruin me just for not giving her her way with those dogs, or that she would WANT to. I’ll never understand why people do some of the things they do, they just do. … and she’s doing a great job, and I hope she keeps it up, sending that detective messages with imagined threats received from me and trying to manipulate her investigation by bull shitting her in this effort to use her as a tool to get back at me – she’s not stupid and this is not her first rodeo, and I have every confidence that she, like everyone else, will see right through that for what it really is. and Kris, you can see people’s IP addresses so put her accusation to rest that I’m 4d40 or whoever that guy is. I’m sick of being accused of having fake profiles. That’s her thing, not mine. No offense to them but I’d never talk that way, leaving those vulgar comments. By the way, good luck but you’re going to have a hard time convincing police I rip people off when my policy is, and always was, not to charge an adoption fee, everyone knows this is not a business for me, it’s a labor of love, something you would never be able to understand. (everyone knows I’m no fraud, including her, she knows I’m no fraud, but when she ran out of bad things to say about me she just made it up as she went along, suddenly accusing me of being a fraud the very day I removed the dogs from her home – where just the day before that, she had publicly commented what a great rescuer I was, I think you don’t have to be a detective to see through all that)

  75. pittyangel6660

    I really have to wonder how many read her mad ravings and sit there laughing there asses off at her humm scratches ponytail laughing as i lean against anne whos laughing just as hard notice she has yet to prove shes psychic

  76. The only thing that has been proven is that she is exactly the opposite of everything she says she is, psychic/not psychic, love/hate, victimizer/victim, evil/good, honest/dishonest – exact opposite.

    1. Schaden Freud
      As it happens I do have a good solid pair of Doc Martens.

      Great, aren’t they? I love my Docs πŸ™‚

      Kimberly Glassnapp
      Kris, you can see people’s IP addresses so put her accusation to rest that I’m 4d40 or whoever that guy is

      Bea, I can prove unequivocally that Kimberly is not wd40 …

  77. Getting a new IP address may be as simple as disconnecting the power to your broadband modem. Disconnect the power from the modem and leave it disconnected for a few minutes. If you have a network router connected to the modem, we also suggest disconnecting the power to the router.

    1. Bea, you’re right, and yet you’re still wrong … IP addresses are allocated in blocks, and so the difference between dynamic addresses issued when you establish a connection with your ISP will be comparitively small.

      I can assure you that the difference between the addresses for Kimberly and wd40 is sufficient to more than rule out simply rebooting a modem. Trust me, Bea, I know what I’m talking about here – it’s what I do for a living – Kimberly is NOT wd40.

  78. pittyangel6660


  79. Kimberly, my case is about the sex ad on Craigslist on Christmas Eve. And that was you without a doubt who posted it and you gave the men emailing me my phone numbers.

    2nd of Jan, 2012 by wd40

    Beatrice Marot: Yeah, I’m sure your phone is ringing off the hook. Hahahahahahahahaha!

    The only reason Kimberly posted as herself is because of wd40’s threat of “things getting worse and worse” that I sent to the Detective. And all of a sudden Kim pop’s up and specifically asks you to check the IP.

    I thought you were a critical thinker Kris. Every word of Kimberly’s story is a total lie. I know it, she knows it and God knows it and believe me Kimberly Glasnapp, Detective Jimenez knows it.

  80. I am so over this b.s. I am outta here. You enjoy your new illiterate friends Kris. I am sure they will regale you with their spelling expertise.

  81. Beatrice Marot – I did not threaten you. I stated the obvious. If you continue to harass others, at some point they will retaliate. And since you refuse to stop harassing others, it can and will only get worse. Your insane behavior has created a huge mess for you. The comment I made about your phone ringing off the hook was in response to your claim that your business as a psychic con artist hasn’t been affected by all the negative things that can easily be found out about you all over the internet. Kimberly Glassnap, why don’t you have Detective Jimenez contact Robert De Niro, Billy Zane, Dick Clark Productions, Sean Penn, the staff at James Randi Foundation or Chip Coffee. I’ll bet they have some stories about their dealings with Beatrice to tell.

  82. Speaking of IP’s Kris. This is the kind of nutcase Kimberly is. She wrote this or one of her friends did but it definitely was not me. Here is an example of Kim’s “evidence” the kind she fabricates and plants that is.

    fuckkimcuntbitch says:
    January 3, 2012 at 12:10 am

    you’re a cunt

    Kimberly Glasnapp says:
    January 6, 2012 at 8:01 pm

    Thank you for being stupid enough to leave a comment (vulgar as it is) and leaving me your i.p. address along with email,
    barbara evans says:
    January 6, 2012 at 9:11 pm

    whats the bet its bm ? such a classless pos thats just lovely shes just pissed because shes not getting layed aww sucks to be her dont it ?!!! lmao

    Enjoy your day Kris.

  83. And thanks for being so illiterate Kimberly. Note how Kim spells psychic.

    Kimberly Glasnapp says:
    December 28, 2011 at 3:28 am

    “Beatrice Marot emailed me with a phsychic prediction!!”


    Ohhh its Xmas eve and I so horny – Have partyfavorties – w4m – 52 (Burbank)
    Date: 2011-12-24, 7:44PM PST
    Hot and lonely – not afraid of a little com in my hair. Shaved clean. Love all big types men. Let Beatrice give you a phsychic reading … I see youre going to be getting lots of sex…

    And you are STILL misspelling Chippy’s name wd40/Kimberly. In the above post you just spelled it Coffee . . . AGAIN.

    From Kimberly’s Facebook page . . . she is apologizing to Chippy for misspelling his name all the time.

    I won’t tag you in this because you might not want it in your pics or wall so I’ll just tag you here Chip Coffey … oh my, I’m so sorry, I just realized I’ve been misspelling your name! I’ll fix that. Oh what a big dummy I am! lol.


  84. “I am so over this b.s. I am outta here.”

    (5 minutes later)

    “No, wait. I’m back because I just can’t stop myself from fighting with others on the internet.”

    What a lunatic!

  85. Oh Yeah, never mind that you have been stalking me for months Kimberly posting THE SAME LONG WINDED RANT(at least she’s on the right blog now eh Kris) adnauseum.

    And when I do stop posting for three days . . . you start emailing me and calling me in the middle of the night threatening me with a civil suit for harassment.

    Who’s the lunatic? Look in the mirror Kim.

  86. Kris, I apologize but again this is for the (police) record. Now why would Kimberly whose brain cells are depleting faster than the Ozone layer go to all the trouble of creating a FAKE POST where I’m calling her a “cunt”

    This is why. Because I called her a cunt in this email. Again she is trying to “plant” fake evidence. It’s the same reason she accused a real woman named Suzanne Artemoff of being a fake profile of mine. She constantly says over and over and over and over that I do to her what in reality she is doing to me. She even tells the Detective the same lie. She thinks people are as dumb as she is.

    From: bea
    Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 11:05 AM
    To: Kimberly Glasnapp

    Why don’t you unblock me you cowardly cunt and face me like a man. YOU are such a joke Kimberly. You are the biggest loser on the entire planet. You only do what you do and get away with it because you block everyone that knows you for the lying swindling bitch that you are.

    And unlike you . . . I don’t have fake pages but I did let that woman Suzanne know and sent her a link to my page.

  87. Is Beatrice Marot really that f–king stupid? In the last post, she just gave a great example of how she has harassed Kimberly Glasnapp and tried to lure her into an internet fight. No one else needs to do anything to make Beatrice look like a crazy person. She’s doing a great job of making herself look insane and guilty as hell of stalking and harassment.

  88. And what exactly do you do you do wd40 other then stalk me? If you are not Kimberly, wtf is your problem? You’re Kimberly or one of her friends and you know it.

    So I will leave you with this from another rescue person who has dealt with the Glasnapps and this is THE TRUTH!!!!! NOT SOME MADE UP BULLSHIT BY A BUNCH OF BACK WOODS HILLBILLIES!

    November 26, 2011

    Have learned from some very Reputable & Respected Rescues that the Glassnapp’s are Just Bad News & should be avoided like the plague. They are a Cancer that manipulate people, posts & pledges, to give them a superior feeling of control & importance…. I remember the suggested offer of switching the mom & pup to go to Gail, for another pup in need of help. & pretty much washed my hands of the whole thing, when Gail said to Not Reason w/ them, as they will set out a back lash just to prove they are vindictive, & should not be crossed.

    I doubt will have the time to find the comment with mention to be, & let along All the Tit 4 Tat commentary she seems to love, & actually, do not have the means or the patience to get into such a Dramatic scenario. That is not to say that the Glassnapp’s don’t need to be Stopped & if I see something I[ll try & take more notice. Just wondering if Kimberly is using another alias name besides her daughter…

    I have learned the hard way that sometimes the best thing to do is Wipe the Shit from my hands & say the damage is done, & will not Go There again. I learned who some of my true friends are, & was & still am grateful for their encouragement & loyal support, while Others learn from my mistake in judgment in character, & the damage that can be done by pushing the Principle, which will never be comprehended by such a narcissistic mind set, & those that choose to follow them. Some will have to learn their lesson as we did, the Hard way. While the Glassnapps continue to Reinvent themselves as they lose their “friends” & support

  89. Jeez, I really hope you ladies don’t spam up the comments sections on all of Kris’ upcoming posts, too. I’ve actually enjoyed reading his blog since I found it recently and it would be nice to have some kind of reasonable discussion about the post without all of this she said/she said bullshit that nobody but yourselves cares about.

    1. Katherine
      Jeez, I really hope you ladies don’t spam up the comments sections on all of Kris’ upcoming posts, too

      Well, I’ve taken care of that to some extent … Bea’s comments are now automatically, and individually, hidden by default and require a click to view them. If you think that’s unfair Bea, too bad – you, more than anyone I’ve ever known, frequently spam comments with ream after ream of utter shit and so I figured the least I can do is spare people the torment of having to read it unless they consciously choose to.

      And Katherine, thank you … it’s always nice to know someone has enjoyed something you’ve written. Perhaps you could persuade Bea to read the posts about my grandfather and a friend that would likely help her to fully understand the concept of respecting the memory of the deceased. I shan’t hold my breath though πŸ™‚

  90. You are absolutely right Katherine and I for one apologize for my part in this endless farce.

    Kris brought it on himself by going on Kimberly’s mile long hate page about me and encouraging her to come to his blog and continue her hate. He is such a nice guy.

    You see Katherine, like most male skeptics and atheists, as long as ignorant psychics praise you up one side and down the other and call you “Heaven sent” as these nasty old hags have done with Kris suddenly “reason” goes straight out the window and the ramblings of hillbilly psychics and white trash witches are encouraged as long as they are Kissing Kris King’s ass.

    So you will be able to enjoy Kris’s blog freely and without any comments from me because I really really look forward to never ever reading his rants again.

    However, I must thank you dear Kris and Tony Ryan as it has been a great lesson in the mindset of skeptical hypocrisy and double standards and for that I am extremely grateful.

  91. Once again, Beatrice Marot waves goodbye and swears she is finished with internet drama, but not without first taking a few potshots at several people. Would someone please throw a bucket of water on that wicked witch so we can finally be done with her!

  92. Kris, your blog gave me a great idea for my case and it puts us back on topic too.

    I will break down all the sock puppets with each individual’s comments so the police can easily spot the speech patterns.

    Kimberly does sound a whole lot like Tanila Price now since they became buddies on Facebook so they could be exchanging barbs.

    wd40 must feel so good about herself when she reads what she writes. Her parents must be so proud they raised such a compassionate, kindhearted caring humanitarian. She is a great addition to the planet and just so full of love. Aren’t you glad you met her and that she has graced your pages with her fine rendition of the English language . . .

    30th of Dec, 2011 by wd40

    Keep up the good work, Kimberly Glasnapp. Beatrice Marot needs to learn that if you f**k with the wrong people, it will come back and bite you in the ass.

    30th of Dec, 2011 by wd40

    WGAS: I agree with you completely. Beatrice Marot has a very long history of stalking and harassing people. She victimizes others and then tries to play the victim herself.

    30th of Dec, 2011 by wd40

    WGAS: Beatrice Marot thrives on conflict and craves attention, even negative attention. She is a pathetic excuse for a human being who threatened to send one of the dogs that she was fostering to an animal shelter if Ms. Glasnapp didn’t come immediately to pick up the animal. Her insane, vicious and vindictive behavior is very well documented on numerous sites on the internet.

    30th of Dec, 2011 by wd40

    Beatrice Marot: Many people have now placed a Google alert on your name. And I urge those who haven’t already done so to get with the program. We will all show up on any internet site where you post your insane bullsh!t and call you out for the evil, f–ked up person that you are.

    31st of Dec, 2011 by wd40

    Jon McCartney: Fighting on internet message boards is something that Beatrice Marot is well known for. Her rage against psychic Chip Coffee has been going on for several years. Beatrice’s stories are always the same — they did me wrong, they lied about me, they are trying to ruin me — and so she spends endless hours writing nasty things on message boards and blogs about her “persecutors”. She never has and probably never will take any responsibility for her own negative actions.

    31st of Dec, 2011 by wd40

    Payback is a bitch, isn’t it, Beatrice Marot? Speaking of criminal behavior, Beatrice Marot, someone on another site claimed that you have been arrested for prostitution in the past. Have you ever been arrested for prostitution? By the way, I thought you weren’t going to engage anymore.

    31st of Dec, 2011 by wd40

    Beatrice Marot: No one said you are a lousy psychic, just that you are a jealous, evil, nasty mouthed, hateful, vindictive, lying psychopath.

    31st of Dec, 2011 by wd40

    Beatrice Marot: Still blaming others for your pathetic life. Your hatred and harassment of Chip Coffey has gone on for years. How many more times are you going to bring him up? You are your own worst enemy. The internet is full of negative information about you, much of which you have posted yourself. Face it, YOU ARE TO BLAME FOR YOUR OWN PATHETIC LIFE! (I thought you weren’t going to engage with us anymore. Just cannot help yourself, can you?)

    31st of Dec, 2011 by wd40

    It didn’t take Beatrice Marot very long to have another psychotic break and start posting her bullsh!t here again. She claims to be done with this thread, but she has absolutely no self control. Keep posting, Beatrice. You are just giving Kimberly Glasnapp, Chip Coffey and others like them more ammunition against you to present to the authorities.

    1st of Jan, 2012 by wd40

    It’s mindboggling what you can discover on the internet about how crazy Beatrice Marot really is! Evidently she’s pissed off even some famous people, like Robert De Niro, Billy Zane, Sean Penn and producers at Dick Clark Productions.

    2nd of Jan, 2012 by wd40

    No, AnnR.key, I am not as bad as Beatrice Marot. I have not stalked and harassed numerous people all over the internet the way that Beatrice Marot has done.

    3rd of Jan, 2012 by wd40

    Beatrice Marot: As always, you are the victim. It’s so much easier to blame someone else. You are hopeless!

    1st of Jan, 2012 by wd40 0 Votes
    You’d better go in for a tune up on your “psychic abilities, ” Beatrice Marot. My name is not Tanila Price or Tammy Alenduff or Kimberly Glasnapp or Chip Coffee. Funny, isn’t it, how everyone else but YOU lies?

    3rd of Jan, 2012 by wd40

    Beatrice Marot: You want something more recent? Ask and you shall receive. Here’s a psychotic, profane meltdown you had on another website just a couple of months ago.

    23 hrs 39 mins ago by wd40

    Beatrice Marot: Why don’t you call your friends over at Dick Clark Productions and see if they want to make a reality show out of this. It could be called Psycho Psychic. Hahahahahahaha!

    7 hrs 2 mins ago by wd40

    The comments by Beatrice Marot above certain look like libel to me. She just accused someone of allowing people to die.

    30th of Dec, 2011 by wd40

    The family of a US military veteran accused Beatrice Marot of bilking him out of his life savings before he died. If this is true, she is the lowest form of scum!

    30th of Dec, 2011 by wd40

    Beatrice Marot: You said TO CARRY SO MUCH HATE AND VINDICTIVENESS IS NOT GOOD FOR THE SOUL. Perhaps you should listen to your own advice!

    30th of Dec, 2011 by wd40

    I would love to hear testimony or depositions in a courtroom from all the people that Beatrice Marot has stalked and harassed in the past.

    1st of Jan, 2012 by wd40

    Beatrice Marot: It doesn’t matter how many times you post the same bullsh!t trying to convince others that you are an innocent victim. Everyone is onto your game. You are the stalker! You are the one who harasses others! You are the malicious, malevolent, manipulative psycho who has made others hate you!

    2nd of Jan, 2012 by wd40

    Beatrice Marot: Tony Sweet said he was going to have you back on his show soon. That was 2 years ago. Have you been invited back to appear on his radio show? If not, then he probably Googled your name and found out what a nasty, psycho b!tch you really are.

    You really are something, Beatrice Marot. Trying to use this site to promote yourself. Do you really think after reading what you have written on this thread that anyone would want a psychic reading from a lunatic like you?

    2nd of Jan, 2012 by wd40

    Beatrice Marot: Yeah, I’m sure your phone is ringing off the hook. Hahahahahahahahaha!

    2nd of Jan, 2012 by Toads Tool

    You’ve made your point wd40 now all you’re doing is belaboring it, ad nauseum.

    2nd of Jan, 2012 by wd40

    Then stop reading what I post, Toads Tool. It really is that simple.

    2nd of Jan, 2012 by wd40

    Squibs, I happen to be female and straight. And I don’t like guys with small equipment, like you.
    2nd of Jan, 2012 by olisbos

    Kimberly Kimberly Kimberly, you should have changed your IP.

    2nd of Jan, 2012 by wd40

    33 mins ago by wd40
    How do I say this nicely, Toads Tool? GO F–K YOURSELF!

    31 mins ago by wd40
    Squibs, I happen to be female and straight. And I don’t like guys with small equipment, like you.

    27 mins ago by wd40
    Ragon, check your breath. It smells like dick.

    21 mins ago by wd40
    Squibs: Sorry, princess, but you are the one who like to bend over and take it like a man while squealing like a girl.

    14 mins ago by wd40
    Squibs, if I was a lesbian and wanted d–k, I’d call your mom.

    2nd of Jan, 2012 by wd40

    Beatrice Marot is a vengeful, vindictive lunatic! Seriously, she is mentally unstable.

    2nd of Jan, 2012 by olisbos

    You are appearing unstable as well wd40. Stalking is unbecoming.

    2nd of Jan, 2012 by wd40

    Not at all unstable, Olisbos. Just fed up with Beatrice Marot’s bullsh!t and giving her a bitter taste of her own medicine!

    2nd of Jan, 2012 by Paul Vance

    There is a fine line between cyberstalking and cyberbullying which you have crossed several comments back wd40

    2nd of Jan, 2012 by wd40

    I will repeat myself, Paul Vance. Just fed up with Beatrice Marot’s bullsh!t and giving her a bitter taste of her own medicine!

    23 hrs 36 mins ago by AnnR.key
    wd40 is an obsessed stalker.

    I REST MY CASE. IT IS NOW JANUARY 29th AND SHE’S STILL AT IT and she has been stalking me like this since October 16th, 2011. So Kris. . . You think she might be suffering from OCD.

    I will let you ponder that. I hope you can help her the way you wanted to help me. It’s safe to say she needs it a lot more than I do.

  93. 30th of Dec, 2011 by Willow Benderston

    Beatrice Marot is insane. She is also a fraud and a con artist. She bilked people out of thousands of dollars. Don’t believe me? Google her name. She tries to make herself sound like the victim while she tries to destroy people’s lives. She keeps posting and posting about poor Kimberly, yet says she wants it to stop. SHE IS A SOCIOPATH! She may even be a psychopath!

    31st of Dec, 2011 by Willow Benderston

    Beatrice Marot is so insane. She is dangerous. If she ever gets angry with you, she goes on a tangent that last years. She is CRAZY, a fraud, and a sociopath.

    1st of Jan, 2012 by Willow Benderston

    So do I!!! She uses words like fag and Jap. A really nonbiased person who loves everyone!! When she loses her temper, she shows her true personality. Push her hard enough, and she will use the “N” word!!

    1st of Jan, 2012 by Willow Benderston

    That is too funny – “never too late to stop the hate” yet she uses the word fag. Do you think she has any idea how insane she sounds??

    2nd of Jan, 2012 by Willow Benderston

    Have you noticed how many people are stalking poor Beatrice. She must be the most stalked person in the world. If I were being stalked by that many people who were trying to destroy me, I would eventually start to wonder if I were not the one with the problem! It is sort of like a person who has been married 10 times and wonder what is wrong with all the men in the world! Has she never stopped to think that she might be the one with the problem???

    2nd of Jan, 2012 by Willow Benderston

    Beatrice says that Dick Clark Productions contacted her. They wanted her to star in a show they were making. So, I called them and told them the problem I was having with dear Bea. You should have heard them laugh. Not only did they not contact her and as her to star in a show, they actually told her that they were going to get a restraining order to keep her from contacting them!! hahaha

    2nd of Jan, 2012 by Willow Benderston

    Poor Beatrice. She so wants to be important. She wants people to think she is a kind and giving person.. She tells everyone how wonderful she is. She calls people horrible names, but that’s just because she lost her temper for just a minute, so that makes it okay. She thinks that people will say, “Oh, it’s okay that she called that gay man a fag because she didn’t really mean it, she was just angry.” If that were not the way she truly felt, that word would never enter her mind! That word is in her mind, because that is how she truly feels. She is a fraud. Dick Clark Productions doesn’t want her – they got a restraining order to get rid of her. Robert DeNiro, Billy Zane, and Sean Penn had to get restraining orders to keep her away. If she gets angry, she tells the public what someone shared with her in private during a reading. That is certainly the type of psychic I would want to share with! That would certainly make me trust her and feel safe talking with her. People, she is evil and insane. That is a really scary combination.

    21 hrs 14 mins ago by Willow Benderston

    Because she knows that if she ever calls Dick Clark Productions, she will go to jail!! They have a restraining order out against her! haha So much for being such a great fan of hers.

    1 hr 15 mins ago by Willow Benderston

    I would love to be a fly on the wall and see the detective laughing when he reads her things. They may come and get you with a net, Beatrice!!! haha If anyone is contacted by the police, just post on here that you are in trouble. There are enough people that have dealt with Beatrice, that we can send the police boxes of pages of evil and profane things that she has written. We can also suggest that they contact Dick Clark Productions, Billy Zane, Robert DeNiro, Sean Penn, and countless others.

    5 hrs 2 mins ago by Willow Benderston

    How would you know about ER deaths?? Were you there?? Have you gotten records?? Was there an investigation by the hospital?? Was there an article in the paper? How many deaths were there? All on her shift? Certainly sounds like libel to me if you didn’t do these things and have proof. Does anyone know how to reach Tanila? I think she might be interested in this. Screen shot taken.

    38 mins ago by Willow Benderston

    I have no idea who Tanila is, but if I can discover how to reach her, I am certainly going to send her a copy of what you have put in writing on the internet for the world to see. That is libel if you don’t have some serious proof. That can get you in serious trouble, and I intend to see that is what happens. You have caused a lot of pain to a lot of people with your vile mouth. It is time to pay the piper.

    37 mins ago by Willow Benderston

    I also intent to let Kimberly Glasnapp that you have accused her of stealing money in writing on the internet. You are really a stupid woman.


    #19 Consumer Comment
    AUTHOR: Tanila – Alpharetta (U.S.A.)

    SUBMITTED: Wednesday, December 17, 2008
    Beatrice has admitted that when she first went to Keen, she set her fee at $1.00 a minute, undercutting all the other psychics who had worked hard to build a client base. That was very wrong. Beatrice is a very disturbed woman. I know you are her “guardian angel”, knight in shining armor or whatever, but she is a truly disturbed woman. Dick Clark Productions has threatened a restraining order just recently, to try to get her to stop harassing them. She began calling my son’s manager’s office multiple times a day. She has never met my son!! They told me she called 21 times one day. They, too had to threaten her with legal action if she didn’t stop. Sean Penn, by her own admission, threatened her with a restraining order to stop her from harassing him and his fiance’. She was fired from Keen, by her own admission, for contacting people about their evaluation of her. She posted on the internet a scathing post about Billy Zane, supposedly one of her friends, and posted private and personal information that he had told her in a reading. And, according again to her, she called Robert DeNiro repeatedly day after day after they had a casual sexual encounter. These are not the actions of a sane person. If this is the person from whom you are getting your information, it might be wise to check the facts before you post them on the internet, as posting them without legal proof of their accuracy could leave you wide open to a libel suit.


  94. pittyangel6660

    i actuly have the screen shots of that entire blog its from you left out alot bea you left out all the bashing you were doing your full of crap bea time to grow up and learn to shut up part of the sentencing for cyberstalking on your level is not being able to own or access a computer heres hoping iam sure you wont be missed even your love beatrice page is pathetic look at that what 5 likes according to a friend of mine and no its not someone you know but they know you

  95. I could care less what you do Kris.

    However, please do not speak of respect as that is something of which you know little, actually nothing. You have no respect for the living or the dead.

    I leave you in good company. These odious women vibrate at the exact same level of consciousness that you do so I am sure you will be very happy with your new coven of old crones and now you have a new reader . . . Yay.

    It’s funny you call yourself distant angel and Barbara Evans calls herself pity angel and “odd that … you both write isn’t it . . . innit”

    Hitch said you wrote like a street urchin and he was right.

    And Barbara, I sincerely hope that your next seizure is your last.


  96. pittyangel6660


  97. Bea, Kris has more compassion and respect for people than you could ever hope for. Do as he suggests and read his posts. Try either of these to start with:

    If Kris shows you disrespect, it is because you’ve wholeheartedly earned it. And you’ve partially earned it by spitting on the grave of a man who would have laughed in your face had he met you in life.

    As far as everyone else, who has replied and egged Bea on, as a guest on this blog and not the writer I can’t really ask that you give it a break. But come on. Give it a fucking break. As you’ve said, everything she’s said is all over the internet. If anyone wants to know the truth about her behavior, they’ll find it pretty easily. When you constantly respond to her incessant whining (AND REPLY WITH YOUR OWN SHOUTING), it makes you just as annoying. Some of your responses are not only practically incomprehensible, but they’re just as off-topic and distracting as Bea’s. (Sorry if I’m out of line here, Kris, since this is your blog, but I just had to say it.)

    Yes, Kris has a new reader. And hopefully this insanity will bring him even more appreciative readers. He deserves them.

    1. Katherine

      Thank you for your comments – they’re very much appreciated.

      I don’t think you’re out of line in suggesting people should knock the back-and-forth on the head now and get back on topic. I originally stumbled upon Kimberly’s site, and the varying commenters who have all chipped in with a few words here, whilst I was looking to see if there was anyone out there who’d had a similar experience with Beatrice but actually managed to talk some sense into her (either that or someone who might be geographically local, or perhaps knew Bea or her family and was therefore in a position to get her some kind of help – yes, I was being hugely, wildly optimistic, but I figured it at least worth a go; I do find it hard sometimes to just let someone get on with further ignoring an obviously pressing mental health issue).

      While it is entirely my fault that the small band of commenters from Kimberly’s blog have followed Beatrice here (I did, after all, alert them to the fact that she had found somewhere new to carry on “spreading the loon”), I have asked that everyone play nice and, for the most part they have … for the most part … we’ve now reached a point where we’re going round in circles, just as has occurred on every site Bea has chosen to argue on – it’s the same argument again and again, and it’s time to give it a rest.

      To everyone who has come here from Kimberly’s blog, thank you for taking the time to visit my darkened little corner of the internet, and thank you for reassurring me that I’m not the only person who has had to put up with Bea’s bullshit … I appreciate your comments and your brave attempts at helping me in calming this “Bea-room brawl” down a little, but I think it’s time we left her to her own devices. You are, of course, always welcome to carrying on commenting – just do me a favour and ignore the “psychic” troll in the corner of the room – just pretend she’s not there and we’ll have a much better time …

      To Bea – just piss off … now. You’re done here and, quite frankly, we’re well past being done with you …

  98. Katherine, you have no idea what my experience with Kris is and from his first post, he has been disgusting, cruel, rude and thoroughly unpleasant. He treats rats better than people. And I’m a rat is Chinese astrology. lol

    As far as Hitch, I said the exact same thing in my story.
    I wrote “In life he would have laughed me out of the room after reaming me a new one” but he is in spirit now and I can assure you his presence is quite constant, welcome and that’s just the way it is.

    I have read enough Rants from Kris King thank you. You knock yourself out.

  99. I actually came across your site after seeing the lunacy over at Coffee Loving Skeptic. Like I said (I think in a comment over there) Bea’s antics were almost funny until I realised that this has been going on since at least 2008. It’s obvious that she has some sort of mental illness and it’s unfortunate to see that she is either being offered no help or she’s not accepting the help she’s being offered. Add to that the folks who are not just refuteing personal attacks that she’s made, but are actively encouraging her to keep responding, and it goes beyond not being entertaining to being downright disheartening.

    It’s like she’s a sideshow freak held against her will. Sure, there’s nothing we can do to release her (since she refuses to acknowledge that she has a problem) but we can at least not pay the nickel to stare at her in her cage and pelt her with fruit.

    1. I’m quite inclined to agree … the best approach we can take now is to simply walk past the cage and find somewhere that’ll let us shove a stick in the fruit and dip it in chocolate. I think it’s next to the literary tent, where the noise of the freakshow is drowned out by the sound of lively and interesting debate (and pipe-smoking, but I think that’s optional) πŸ™‚

  100. You know Kris, I have not used one single vulgar word as I promised I would not do from our last debate but you are a FUCKING LIAR!! I am the one that put the link to Kimberly’s blog on your site you lying scum and I said, “Here if you want to hate on me, go here” and of course you did and now like the lying p.o.s that you are . . . because a woman who does not know beans and who is of the same mindset as you and again proves that some people have no ability to think outside the proverbial box, you have the audacity to act like you are some kind of caring person that was looking to help me.

    You cavort with illiterate psychos who also claim to be psychic but no problem there, they are not mentally ill because they are kissing your demonic ass. You’re a bisexual having a romp with a transgender who wants to become a woman . . . and I am the one mentally ill. By the standards of most decent people, you are one sick confused puppy.

    What a first class loser. A lying piece of garbage. You make me sick demon!

    And Katherine, you will fit right in with the lesser evolved of the human race posting here. What I have done since 2008 is attempt to teach those unwilling to learn. But never again because I have learned my lesson.

    This is what I wake up to daily and I think I will stick with my own kind. The real ANGELS on the planet.

    I’m grateful to ALL my Goddesses for inspiration, wise counsel, friendship, and juicy girl talk! Beatrice Marot is one of those special Goddesses. She is the Goddess for Goddesses and has lifted my Spirit on numerous occasions with her amazingly accurate readings and journeys. She is amazing and will flat out blow your mind with details you overlook! I love you Bea!!! Thank you for helping me to name my alchemical elixir Eros – Elixir of Love, Beauty and Prosperity – and all your other good advice and insights!!! I really appreciate you!! xoxox Here is her website! Check her out!!!

  101. She does make it awfully hard not to chuck a rotten apple or two in her direction, though, doesn’t she?

    1. Katherine

      Obviously when I say “pipe-smoking” I mean in an Victorian, waxed-moustache, “Explorers Club of the Empire” kind of way

  102. You are both such sanctimonious little pricks. The only one belonging in a cage is Kris and his rats.

    Kris, you have 23 videos on youtube of your fucking rats. 23 VIDEOS OF RATS RUNNING AROUND. Hellooooo.

    It was actually on Tony’s site that I posted the link to Kimberly’s hate page and you jumped right on board like the ugly little rat that you are.

    Katherine enjoy your new friend.

    He does tricks if you feed him the right treats and it looks like you’re well equipped.

  103. The angel says, “Because I am a being of light and filled with love – I hope you die in your next seizure.” I can see that! I can really see now that Bea is indeed the love filled person she proclaims to be!!! I was wrong!! What love she has for all!

  104. Beatrice, you have no idea how insane you sound, and how hypocritical – vomiting your opinion of how wonderful, caring and good you are while at the same time, wishing death to people and making racist statements. You are insane

  105. As Katherine stated and she is clearly the expert, “Kris has more compassion and respect for people than you could ever hope for.”

    Your deep compassion for me and my fragile mental state shows in every post and throughout your blog.

    How could I be so blind to not see the love and care you exhibit for me and all those you deem mentally ill?

  106. Sorry, Beatrice Marot, but I don’t think you’ll have many people attending the pity party you just threw for yourself. Your nasty, bizarre behavior all over the internet has proven that you are mentally unstable. YOU have created the mess that is your life. If you truly want to stop the madness then stop trolling the internet for places where you can spew your craziness. And get some professional help because you desperately need it.

  107. One thing I do like to do when I exit an ugly situation is to leave something beautiful on my out . . .

    The following is just a small part of a guided meditation I did with a man to heal his heart chakra. When I guide you on a journey you are completely aware and the vision unfolds like a movie in your mind’s eye and I write everything down exactly as you describe it then I read it back and interpret the symbols.

    The Goddess communicates through visions and the interpretation of the symbols reveals the hidden message. All of the arts of healing and divination such as Astrology and the Tarot require a profound knowledge of symbolism.

    The purpose of journeys is to heal the feminine divine . . . the Goddess within, your shakti which means “God’s creative power” and bring that sexual creative energy into the Heart and then you will be a truly magical being able to manifest from Universal mind all that you need to succeed. This is a perfect example of how beautiful that healing is.

    And please note that the cave is a symbol of the heart and PINK is the color of the Heart Chakra! The man I am guiding of course has no idea the cave is his heart until I tell him after we finish.

    I see a cave and I go inside. I see a female fairy. She is just flying around. She says her name is Isamar (Isamar means Sacred to God) I ask her, “What have you come to tell me or show me on my journey? She says, “There is fear that is hiding inside you and that you must overcome that fear to release the power that is within.”

    She says, “At the end of the cave is your power that is hidden, that must be released.” She asks me to walk through the cave and to trust her.

    I go down the cave. There are a lot of bats lying around.

    (Bats are a symbol of rebirth. They live in the womb of the Earth which is the first two chakras earth and water and that energy needs to come up through the solar plexus and into the heart)

    There is a lot of water coming through the walls. The floor is slippery. I hear a lot of sound of little animals and things moving around. I can see a little hole at the end where the light is coming from. It is like a room that is inside. It is difficult to get in. I ask Isamar to help me.

    There is a pink crystal, an amethyst which is shining. It is very big and beautiful. Isamar tells me to look inside the crystal. I can see a woman’s face. She is telling me to forgive her and to love her. Her name is Nadine.(Nadine means Hope) I feel I don’t trust her that is why I cannot forgive her.(Most people, especially men do not trust their feminine divine, psychic ability, magical self, intuition, their sexuality and they are afraid of her and reject her or abuse her.)

    The fairy says, “Trust” I forgive her. She smiles and the crystal opens up and a very bright pink light starts to cover the whole room and myself and it touches my heart and I am just covered in that bright pink light. I feel my heart opening. I cry, I laugh. I am only seeing that pink bright light. I am somewhere else. I am at the top of a mountain. It is very beautiful and I can feel the nature around me. There is beautiful landscape all around and I can see very far.

  108. Oooooooh Heaven, it’s just a breath away, it’s just a breath away! (Sing to the tune of Gimme Shelter)

  109. pittyangel6660


  110. Oh, hell, even I can’t control myself this time: amethyst is purple. Not pink.

    And I really hope Bea’s clients are aware that she’s out here telling very personal and private things about them and their experiences. Even without names, it seems a bit unethical.

  111. Kris, of course. *ahem* Yes. Of course.

    Actually, that’s exactly what I was thinking when I read that and replied. Which makes me feel kinda lame . . . .

    1. Katherine

      Nothing lame about it at all … I’ve always liked the idea that there were times when people actually saw the seeking of new knowledge as if it were some kind of big adventure. That and there was something romantic (and cosy) about the idea of well-dressed men gathered around a fire, drinking brandy and smoking pipes, and just figuring out between themselves how the universe worked … surely the most relaxed way of doing science ever? πŸ™‚

  112. She tells the names of her clients when she gets angry with them, and then posts very, very private information they have shared with her in readings. Such a being of light! Such a good and caring person! WOW Ask Billy Zane what he thinks about her and her goodness and love that she spreads. As the young man she called a Jap what he thinks of her love for all beings on Earth. She is about as light filled as Hitler was. He hated people because of their race, religion, and sexual orientation, too! Beatrice! I’ll bet he is one of your guides, too!!!

  113. Some good has come of all this insanity is I’ve made some new friends with some really cool people. I appreciate all of you for not only your support but am grateful you’re able to see through the bull for what it is. I can only hope that B is lying like usual and the Detective isn’t telling us both the same thing, because I really get the impression from all the people I’m talking to, and by people I mean police officer, officers of the court, the people who helped me at the court with the filing of the civil suit and also her own friends on her Facebook were telling her months ago to let this go and were not agreeing with her once they heard she threatened to dump those sweet dogs at the shelter!! just everyone sees through her bull and all feel bad that I’ve had to deal with this when all I’m trying to do is save animals and find them good homes. I’ve made some mistakes along the way, the biggest not insisting on a foster application because she never would have qualified to foster for me and the next mistake was trusting her, even though a friend messaged me warning me about Beatrice and I knew she was a little strange, but I just embraced her oddities and believed everything she told me. If I would have researched her I would have found out enough to know to run the other way but …. it’s too late now. and the craziest part is her running around harassing everyone saying that I can’t let it go. I would have loved to put this behind me but how can I when she’s going around trying to ruin me and sending everyone messages saying all kinds of horrible things about me?

    Please see below for my email address. Most what I’m getting are messages from people who have been harassed by her with emails about me and people who’ve had similar run ins with her. It shows the pattern of behavior and proof of this being beyond harassment and into the stalking territory so anything no matter how insignificant you might think it is, it really might help this case –
    The link below is my Facebook, but any messages should be sent to the email.

  114. Kimberly you are such a pathological liar and the truth is the following.

    You are a con artist and a very good one. I thought you were sincere when I first met you. I liked you a lot and did all I could to help you. I gave you and your daughter free readings. You wrote on my Facebook that “One hour with Bea was better then years of therapy.”

    I told your daughter she would be in love by the end of the year and she is. I saw her going back to school and she is. I told her she was going to move out and get her own place and she will if she hasn’t already.

    I wrote the following on Facebook the minute the dogs left my house. I did not even use your names as I had no intention of causing any trouble for you whatsoever and I thought we were done. I wrote:

    “My babies are gone . . . the women that I was fostering for came and took them today with the help of the police. It is my own fault. I got upset when the little one destroyed yet another pair of my pants and I wrote something I regret out of anger in the moment. I wrote they needed to come and get them or I would take them to the shelter. It was wrong and I regretted it the minute I wrote it. I apologized and even though I begged these women to let me keep them, they refused and now I have paid the price and they are gone and my home feels empty without them. Please let this be a lesson for everyone . . . never say things out of anger as it always leads to chaos and upset. I am devastated right now. I don’t ever want anyone to feel the way I do in this moment. I love you Chanel and Gracie so much and I hope you will be safe and happy and together forever.”

    That is it. One paragraph. Kimberly has a 50 page hate blog. I printed it for court and I ran out of ink and that is just one blog. She has a total of 12-15 all over the web.

    But the con woman Kimberly Glasnapp took advantage of the situation to make money. The dogs could have been rehomed together in October and again in December but she separated them just to upset me because she is a cold hearted bitch from hell.

    I tried to be kind and courteous initially but then I found out the truth about Kimberly Glasnapp. She uses animal rescue to line her pockets and here are the three separate chip ins created for Gracie and Chanel since June/July of 2011 to prove it.


    Here is a link for the first chip in for Gracie and Chanel with $291 in it.

    Here is the link for a second one with $270 in it.

    And here is a third one. Kim writes these lies to solicit sympathy to animal lovers.

    Please help — Chanel & Gracie need a forever home and donations ASAP. Smart, sweet and so loving, they each need a home. Burned by ex-foster for everything (details in thread), had to start these dogs off from scratch at a new fosters with NOTHING. I gave out of own pockets but our POCKETS ARE EMPTY now and Chanel and Gracie still need spay surgery, booster shots. Please share, tag for home and donations. No amount too small, grateful for every dollar, please send what you can if you can to help The girls thank you

    Kim raised over $800 and she gave me a total of $215. I spent about $100 of my own money. She lies about that and claims I forced her to send me blank checks because I did not want my name on anything. She will lie about anything and everything.

    She lied and told people that I was going to take them to a high kill shelter in Carson. I don’t even know where Carson is but it is over an hour away from me and there is a no kill shelter five minutes from my house. There is nothing Kimberly Glasnapp won’t lie about.

    You could have gone on to rip off more people. I could care less what you do. But when you used my mother and sister in laws names in a ripoff report and said it was my aliases and folks she posted a photo of my 4 year old niece in a bikini holding the puppy on a rip off report too.

    And of course the sex ad on Craigslist was the last straw.

    Now Detective Jimenez asked you to stop harassing me online Kimberly.

    But you will never stop until a judge stops you.

    See you in court!

    Enjoy your new friend Kris . . .

  115. And for the record . . . my story never changes either. This email was sent three days after Kimberly the psychotic bitch took my babies. She already started her rampage and was using her fake profile as “Sara Cross” now “Sara Harrington Cross” on Facebook to harass me.

    From: bea
    Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 11:11 AM
    To: Kimberly Glasnapp
    Subject: You wrote you were waiting for two hours

    You were outside for 20 minutes. This is what I mean about you. You just lie and twist and manipulate the truth to no end. I had all their stuff, leashes and still do but you would not wait for one minute to let me get them.

    You blocked me so you cannot see the back and forth I am having with this woman Sara Cross on Nancy’s page. Woah . . . you have some really mean friends.

    But you lie and exaggerate and give a totally false picture of what happened. You know how much I love them. I am dying inside. I miss them so much. I really really want them and between Elizabeth and I they will be cherished.

    You posted all the emails of when I was upset but none of when I was begging for your forgiveness and asking you to call me.

    Kim, why are you doing this? You know I am a good person. I had the best of intentions and I just fucked up. How many times have you fucked up in your life? Plenty.

    And now Sara which I knew she would is putting up links to a nightmare I went through with another dear friend Chip Coffey who destroyed my life just because I became the number one psychic on a psychic line we worked on. He turned total betrayor of my friendship. Five ripoff reports and all these lies about me calling me a racist and homophobe by his friends who I have never met and never ripped off. I don’t know why people are so cruel, but they are.

    How could you do this to me? All I ever wanted was to help you.

    I am so deeply sorry that I upset you and I understand why you felt compelled to do what you did. I just wish you had given me that one more chance and you would have been so happy you did. Instead … this is just escalating to the point where we are going to be headed to court no doubt.

    It is beyond sad. It really is.

  116. Kris, it would be nice to have an environment like that. It seems like, these days, whenever a discussion starts, even among people who agree with one another, there is such rancor. I’m all for a passionate discussion, but there seems to be so much frustration and anger. Maybe folks like us, around the world, should start a new kind of club where crackling fires and warm spirits are mandatory for scientific discussion. And maybe monocles.

    1. Katherine

      Monocles would be compulsory! What else is one supposed to have falling into a glass of brandy whenever one is astonished?!

  117. Beatrice is a consummate liar and insane. She posts dozens of posts all over the internet about dozens of people and then says that she is not the one causing the trouble. She whines about how badly she is treated, yet she posts evil, racist, bigoted things about people. Then she says, “Oh, I was only angry.” I wonder if it doesn’t seem a little strange to her that she has so much trouble with so many different people??? I know – the only sane person in the world is Beatrice!

  118. Kris, you want to see delusional. You want to see sociopathic, multiple personality disorder. Study Kimberly Glasnapp.

    Here is crazy Kim feverishly making up a nonexistent reality. The only place I post anything is right here and I am stopping that asap. I just keep it in one place for the police.

    I check Kim’s page when I get the intuition to do so such as just now and she just posted this 20 minutes ago.

    THIS WHOLE POST IS A DELUSION. A complete made up story from Kimberly’s meth fried crackhead twisted mind.

    Kimberly Glasnapp
    I know most of you are aware of it, but for those who aren’t, if you get a strange message from a woman with initials B.M. with such serious accusations that are being sent out daily to this very day, I want to give an explanation what it’s about and why she’s on this relentless mission. The post is on my personal profile wall about 8 hours ago (look for a DNA/Fraud Alert in my WordPress) Since Oct 16 this person’s is has made trying to smear my name a full time thing, I can’t keep up with all her profiles to block them and she stalks my pages every day, talking crap about everything I do and say, adding people off my friends list and sending out messages almost every day cramming her side of the story down people’s throats along with a bunch of lies. I get more messages every couple days from Facebook friends with copies of the messages they got from her, and I apologize to everyone for her still bothering everyone, I’m working on a solution and appreciate all my friends and supporters who’ve stuck by me and have my back. β™₯

    Kimberly you paranoid schizophrenic . . . I do not email anyone. You have made stalking me your full time job. This is going to the Detective. I have a file three inches thick of all your rants.

    If your friends are getting messages from me, post them. You can’t because THERE ARE NONE.

  119. pittyangel6660

    Kris i hope you dont mind if i inject a small bit of reality here i doubt it will work but cross your paws any way @ beatrice those dogs were never yours to begin with they were and are kimberly glasnapps so to you we say hope you dont mind good people if i include you as feeling the same?) get over yourself get a life get back on your meds grow a pair and shut the hell up go away like you keep promising no one feels sorry for you but i guess you still havent figured that out yet although its been made clear a number of times thank you kris and good ladies no bea your not included *picks up crate i was standing on waves*

  120. Enough, Beatrice! Don’t you have any pride or dignity at all? Trying to harm others keeps backfiring on you. You have made a lot of enemies. More and more people are getting fed up with your nastiness and lunacy. Some of them have even begun to stand up to you and say NO MORE and fight back. Stop blaming others when you are the one who is to blame.



  122. Like a person who would wish death on someone?? Like a person who calls black people gorillas? Like a person who calls Japanese Japs? Like a person who calls gay people fags? Is that the kind of evil you mean? I have done a thorough search of your name. YOU are evil. You try to disguise yourself as a being of Light. Sure. We all see it!

  123. You’re doomed! You’re all doomed! Now, note that I didn’t specify what type of doom, so no matter what happens, I predicted it. Very clever of me. (Yes, I stole that from the Inheretance Cycle).

    1. I’ll go one better and be more specific about the type of doom by saying: we’re all going to die. How’s that for a cast-iron, irrefutable, and fundamentally-redundant prediction? πŸ™‚

  124. pittyangel6660

    ooooThomas & kris does tupac have a message for me maybe advise from merlin as to when the rapture is happening do tell πŸ˜‰

  125. What else is one supposed to have falling into a glass of brandy whenever one is astonished?!

    Might I also suggest mandatory mustaches (falsies for us ladies, of course)? So we’ll have something to harumph into when we disagree with one another?

  126. distant_angel Kris King
    #YouKnowYouLameIfYouStill say “you” in place of “you are”, “you’re”, or “your” – speak properly, you ignorant fucks

  127. If you’re going to quote Hitch, do not edit him. He said,

    β€œHe’s a lowly bugger who needs to learn how to communicate like a gentleman and not a street urchin.”

    So how’s the white trash treatin ya? Those ignorant, illiterate fucks don’t bother you at all do they Kris the hypocritical Rantin Raven King!

    Isn’t that your girlieman’s name? Raven. Raven King! I like it. Marry the little tranny and make an honest woman out of him.

  128. Wow. Resorting to critisizing posters’ writing. I’m surprised it’s not in all caps.

    Bea, do yourself and the rest of the world a favor. Shut the fuck up, get some therapy, and don’t interact with general public anymore until you’re able to do so like a sane and rational adult.

  129. Oh, and fuck off with the gay and trans bashing, you ignorant, racist, homophobic, transphobic fuck.

  130. Kris, I got a call yesterday from a man I read for in 2005. He came to Los Angeles from Michigan to be an actor and I said, “Nope, you’re going to be behind the camera.” He called me yesterday to let me know that as much as he could not see it at the time . . . as usual, what I saw happened. He never went to school for it but he found out the easy way that he is a brilliant director and creative genius and he is now working for all the major studios, mostly Disney.

    It’s fun to be me.

  131. Look, I believe in psychic abilities. I have examined the studies and the science and am convinced, but what Beatrice talks about is the same old thing that is proven fraud time and again. If you concentrate, you can see and hear what another person is thinking about. There is empirical data for that. The military uses it all the time with remote viewing.

    What Beatrice does can all be done with smoke and mirrors and psychology. There is not a shred of proof that people can talk to the dead or predict the future (although my has something really freaky happen when somebody close to us is about to die, natural or unnatural, a man in black appears to her. The man in black even forshadowed my grandmother’s death, even though my have had never met her and she was on the other side of the country. I can’t prove that but I can testify to the experience.). Sorry, Beatrice, if you have something concrete to give us, then great.

    But you’re giving us testimonials. Testimonials are the number one tool of frauds and scam artists.

  132. pittyangel6660

    Miss Katherine your a treasure πŸ™‚ her in therapy they would never allow her in public ever again i rather like that thought. yo beast thought you said you were a light loving goddess who didnt gay bash ? yet here you are doing exactly that @ Thomas the fun part is its all crap shes nothing if she were real she would be putting screen shots up why isnt she ?? because they dont exist . Iam getting the hit that something very unexpected and very unwelcome will be knocking your door down and no its not the cops have a wonderful day <3

  133. Beatrice Marot: You are a vile, pitiful excuse for a human being. Chip Coffee was right when he called you a homophobe. You are disgusting!

    1. Well, Bea, I have to say that you’ve finally managed to prove me wrong … congratulations … enjoy it while it lasts though, because it won’t happen again. I said you’d dug about as deep as you can go – turns out I was wrong, because you just kept digging until you hit magma. You know what that means now, though, don’t you … ?

      It means you’re fucking toast …

      You’ve abused me, everyone here, everyone at Tony’s site, and you’ve abused the goodwill that has been shown towards you in allowing you to continue commenting, despite your bigoted, racist, homophobic, transphobic intolerance, and you have squandered every opportunity given to you to apologise and redeem yourself …

      And now you’re done …

  134. And, Kris, I’m sorry I rose to the bait. I’m having a shitty day and, frankly, I just couldn’t take it any more. I apologize for my contribution to the nonsense.

  135. @distant_angel Don’t let your anal probes also known as your fingers get overworked. πŸ˜‰

  136. Kris, I want to apologize for any comments I made that were offensive or vulgar. She should be ashamed for the comments she made about you and your partner. Beatrice Marot has pushed a lot of buttons and thinks no one will stand up to her. Well, she is dead wrong!

    1. Katherine
      Might I also suggest mandatory mustaches (falsies for us ladies, of course)? So we’ll have something to harumph into when we disagree with one another?

      Agreed … waxed, of course?

      I have examined the studies and the science and am convinced

      Really? Do you have any links to these studies?

      But you’re giving us testimonials

      As were you, regarding the “man in black”, to be fair πŸ™‚

      Kris, I want to apologize for any comments I made that were offensive or vulgar

      That’s okay, we’ve all contributed a few bad words to the exchanges with Bea, and we’ve all probably continued past the point we should have just backed away – but it’s pretty obvious to everyone where 99% of the apologies in this situation should be coming from, only that will never happen because she’s in complete denial. She simply doesn’t get it. She cannot stomach the idea that there are people who don’t agree with everything she says and think she’s the most awesome thing on earth, and so she bullies those who challenge her grotesquely inflated sense of self. Everyone who has dared contradict her or even question her has ended up being a recipient of a torrent of abuse … she’s a bully, plain and simple, and I’m not putting up with that shit any more …

  137. Thanks, Kris. I agree completely. Beatrice Marot has engaged in dozens of nasty battles. When things do not go her way, she attacks. The things she said about you and your partner sickened me. Did you know that she once threatened to falsely accuse Chip Coffee of being a sexual predator? I hope that someone will finally take her to court and she’ll be forced to get the help she needs or at least have her access to the internet taken away.

  138. pittyangel6660

    @ wd40 everyones wish is being fullfiled yes shes going to be going we are going to push for computer rights to be revolked among other things will keep posted

  139. Well, there’s a lovely article here about it at the Skeptic’s Dictionary. It has all of the references you could possibly like, including research documents and articles.

    Here’s an idea: instead of constantly insisting that other people “prove it”, why don’t you try it yourself? Remote viewing is one of the easiest things to do. Even skeptics and “non-believers” have a measure of success with it. What the article above doesn’t know is the actual process. It got the general description right, but it leaves the process vague.

    In fact, remote viewing is not a cover term for clairvoyance. It is very specifically telepathy. It requires two people. One is a receiver, while the other is a sender. Interestingly, it doesn’t seem to work both ways in the majority of cases.

    It helps tremendously if the two people are emotionally close; siblings, lovers, close friends. This is the easiest experiment on remote viewing. The sender has a photograph of the location. The receiver must never have seen the photograph, or know what location is portrayed. The receiver and the sender need to be in seperate rooms.

    The sender should be focusing on the photograph (do this for at least 10 or 15 minutes to give sufficient time). The receiver should be undistracted by noise or images and his or her mind should be at rest. The receiver draws or describes what enters his or her mind.

    The experiment needs to be conducted several times for a clear result. Also, the two people should switch roles until they are able to clearly determine who is the sender and who is the receiver, trial and error, you know.

    The primary difference between this and shape tests is that the reader isn’t being forced to give an answer, so there is no pressure to deliver a result. How useful is this? Not very. It’s just a fun thing to try when you have extra time on your hands.

    As for my “testimonial”, I already intimated that it was anecdotal, of no value, and will not be lured into an argument over it.

  140. I think everyone should write a rip off report about her and let the world know what she’s like before they go to her as a “psychic.” http:/ It is really easy to write one.

  141. What a vile, obsessed woman. Obsessed with sex (clearly she’s got a problem in that area) and self-promotion.
    This is the one who claims Christopher Hitchens is one of her spirit guides? Hitchens debunked that long ago:

    “What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.” Christopher Hitchens.

    1. Thomas
      Well, there’s a lovely article here about it at the Skeptic’s Dictionary

      It’s a good article, cheers for that, but I’m not sure it supports the case for remote viewing – quite the opposite. It documents that positive results amount to a probability of no better than chance and, as it reports, only 1 in 65 claims made involve facts that could not have been reasonably guessed at or come from information easily obtained elsewhere. The overall conclusion seems that it is largely unreliable, and of no practical value; much of the information obtained tends to be irrelevant, the experiments were far from being free of bias (in that most of the data has not been made publicly available and, rather tellingly in some programmes, one person judged the outcome of many experiments rather than reducing bias by using multiple independent judges).

      Here’s an idea: instead of constantly insisting that other people “prove it”, why don’t you try it yourself?

      Firstly the reason many skeptics insist that people prove their claims is that that’s the right and proper way to do it; those making the claims bear the responsibility of backing them up. If it were the job of doubters to disprove a claim, we would be compelled to accept every ludicrous and wild assertion as being true until demonstrated otherwise, a fundamentally untenable way to exist. As for trying it myself, I, and the small number of people I could muster to conduct such an experiment, would not be a sufficiently large enough sample set to have any hope of eliminating personal bias. We can all second guess those we know – in order to demonstrate the veracity of such claims we would need to remove all chance of tainting the results by ensuring complete disconnection between those taking part, not just geographically, but socially and psychologically.

      It’s an intersting idea, but I don’t believe, given the evidence (or lack of) available for its efficacy, that there is anything really to it …

      I think everyone should write a rip off report about her

      I can understand your reasoning, but I don’t think it would be completely honest of me to do so, given that my dealings with Bea are entirely through the back and forth on various blogs. Since Ripoff Report is devoted to reporting bad consumer experiences, and mine in this instance are only social, it’s probably unfair of me to use that medium when I haven’t enjoyed (if that is the word) a relationship with Bea as a consumer. I’m sure that what she does is totally bollocks and I would be filing a report right away if I’d actually used her services, but since I haven’t it’s probably wrong of me to use it solely to have a dig it her, even if she is an obnoxious little creature with a deficit of scruples and surplus of self-opinion.

      Anarchic Teapot
      Obsessed with sex (clearly she’s got a problem in that area)

      Yes, rather disturbingly she seems mostly obsessed with whatever sex I may or may not be having. It’s somewhat creepy, I have to say.

  142. Beatrice, I have been reading your comments about my husband. What a vile and filthy person you are. He has never done a thing to you, except to tell you the last time you called him that he was going to call the police and get a restraining order against you. If I show him the awful things you have said about him, he will be extremely upset, as it is easily proven that they are a lie. He went through an extensive background check to work with the court. I have saved what you put in print, you insipid twit. You are a piece of rotting flesh and one of the most stupid people I have ever come across. Beatrice, I do practice the Craft. I have for many, many years. I was taught by my wonderful grandmother about whom you make such disparaging remarks. You aren’t good enough to wallow in her excrement. I tell you that to say this. Talk with your friend Mimi. I was one of her teachers. Ask her, Beatrice. She took my Book of Shadows home and copied part of it without my permission. She didn’t see the other book I have here. Be very careful

  143. You are such a coward, Beatrice. You call husbands, friends, children, all sorts of people when you think someone has you pegged. I am 62 years old. I don’t have a boss. You aren’t smart enough or eloquent enough to win your own battles, so you have to call people. “Make her stop!!” YOU make me stop, you filthy coward. I will yell the truth about you to the world.

  144. She can say whatever she likes about me, because I don’t give a tinker’s damn what she thinks of me, but she made a horrible accusation against my husband, which is a filthy lie. She doesn’t deserve someone to play nice with her. She is an obnoxious, lying pile of filth, and I want to see her taken down. I will help anyone do that!

  145. pittyangel6660


  146. Wait, that didn’t turn out to be what I wanted to say. I am so angry right now that I am shaking. She had better hope that the WORST thing I do is turn her into a frog. – That’s what I meant to say.

  147. Is it safe? Can I come by and chat freely now? Geesh, that was CRAZY, right? I guess being in the right doesn’t guarantee you’ll prevail. I tried but I guess Beast is free to bully and stalk another victim, but she’ll no longer be hiding under the veil of lies anymore, having been EXPOSED for her dirty deeds (everyone knows what she’s all about, believe and trust that) this ugliness she created is in permanent ink and will follow her around as long as she keeps using the same names, and since she uses the internet to make her living as well as slander anyone who pisses her off, she’s the one who’ll suffer in the long run. Not me, I’m doing better than ever. Beast has no power to harm me or inflict the pain on me she admitted she felt I deserved to feel for “causing” her pain. She causes her own problems, So it’s a good thing people are warned to stay out of her way.

    Everyone who knows Beast knows she is the exact opposite of everything she says she is, so what is the opposite of goddess? I’ll never look at the word goddess the same again, now that I know it can also mean vain conceited bitter ugly fat serial stalking cyber bullying spell casting smelly nappy headed saggy bitter mean old creepy TROLL. If she’s my age and can get away with being so childish, I wanted to have a little fun too, so SEW ME! Good luck, because apparently people can do about anyone they want these days and get away with it.

    …and throughout this whole ugly thing, Poor Kris, hardly anyone even acknowledge his birthday – I hope it was a good one. Happy belated birthday Kris. Thanks for giving my plight so much attention and support. I can honestly say more good came of it all than bad, I have some awesome and inspiring new people in my life and learned valuable lessons that make me stronger and wiser.

    1. Cheers for the birthday greets – it wasn’t too bad, moderately enjoyable (if you ignore the punctured tire, exploded dishwasher, and rodent fatality). A couple of friends, some nice food, and a bit of Skyrim on PS3 πŸ™‚

      And it’s always nice to hear that people other than myself think I’m awesome … all I need now is someone with a large pile of cash and a desire to give me some to write this stuff for a living to think so too πŸ˜‰

  148. Belated happy birthday, Kris.
    I do have one more thing to say to Beatrice. She supposedly has someone who knows me really well who feeds her information. I have been told that she is talking about Mimi Louiso. Mimi has been to my house one time, and got lost coming here. We have never done anything socially together. We were aquaintances, but not friends. She worked at the opposite end of the building in which I worked. My family, of whom she claims to know so much, wouldn’t even recognize her name! That she has any idea of what my finances are is laughable. So, this “close friend” of mine who feeds you so much mendacious information is full of it.

  149. I do have a serious question for you. First I will state that I have never really been sure on how I feel about this area. My question is, do you think that people who have died can or ever actually communicates with the living?

  150. I have personally never had an encounter with someone who “passed over,” but my mom swears she has. Over 30 years ago, my 27 year old sister committed suicide. The kind and loving pastor of my mother’s church told my mom that suicide was a mortal sin, and that my sister was in Hell. My poor mom was devastated. It was more than she could bear. So, one night she said that she was lying in bed praying – asking God not to send Wanda to Hell, as that she was a very troubled young woman. She said that suddenly someone said, “Mommy.” My mom turned around and there stood my sister. Mom said that Wanda said, “Mommy, I’m okay. I am in Heaven.” Then she just disappeared. That “visit” was what my mom needed to make it possible for her to deal with my sister’s death. Your opinion?

  151. pittyangel6660

    OH TANILA Iam so sorry your sister felt she had to do that ive been that way myself after the loss of my daughters23 yrs ago the spirit being energy never disapates in my way of seeing things @Kris happy birthday just incase i brain farted and forgot way to much going on

  152. One more question, Kris. What is your opinion on tarot beads, runes, and other divination devices?

    1. Tanila
      Firstly, I’m really sorry to hear about your sister; I can never imagine what that must feel like, so I won’t patronise you by pretending that I do. All I can do is offer my deepest sympathies that you ever had to experience such a thing.

      As far as your mum’s “encounter” is concerned, it’s hard to know how to approach it without seeming callous in dismissal, so I shall do my best. The brain is an astonishingly sophisticated bit of kit, capable of some quite incredible things. I talked in the post about the pattern-recognition “software” it features which we rely on to survive – it’s what allows us to discern faces we know from those we don’t, to identify the shimmer and sparkle of a body of water so vital to our existence, and to spot familiar, tell-tale sequences of events that help us learn from our mistakes. It also, however, unintentionally plays tricks on us in its never-ending duty to see these patterns and establish whether they have significance.

      We see shadows in the dark that we perceive to be threatening monsters, lurking, waiting to pounce; we hear innocuous noises in the night that we interpret to be the stealthy footfall of a mad axe-murderer out for blood; we infer familiar shapes in the random noise of trivial things and ascribe meaning to them where there is none. We hallucinate, we dream, we make mistakes, and our genius brains with their top-of-the-line, over-zealous installation of Microsoft Pattern Match 2012 fill in the gaps to satisfy our whims. The power of wishful thinking should never be underestimated; it’s what underpins every belief in the supernatural, and is at the heart of every religious ideology; your mum’s heartfelt desire to know that everything would be okay for your sister would have given her brain licence to make assumptions and let her imagination run free.

      Every one of us has had that jarring moment between sleep and consciousness when we still feel as if we are in a dream for just a second before reality intrudes; visions of the otherworldly, ghosts, voices in the dark and in our heads are all just manifestations of that same feeling. It never helps that we are all so frequently prone to the temptation of confirmation bias, where we focus only on things that support conclusions, beliefs, and opinions we already have, and dismiss anything that contradicts them. It’s the reason “psychics” are able to do what they do; they rely on people’s earnest belief in the afterlife to slip a stream of “misses” under the radar and allow the trivial hits to take on profound meaning. “Your father was a loving man, but sometimes he would get frustated by those close to him” is the kind of vague, hollow statement that could apply to anyone – yet to a receptive mind that has already been primed to a particular conclusion, will so often be falsely interpreted as having some specific, personal significance.

      There are plenty of naturalistic explanations for your mother’s experience; wishful thinking amplified by apophenia/pareidolia, auditory and visual hallucination, lucid dreaming, delusion even … while I wouldn’t dream of taking away the comfort such experience must have given her, I would however say that the comfort is somewhat artificial, the naturalistic explanations having an immeasurably higher probability of being correct than the one she believes is the cause. It’s not for me to tell her she’s wrong to feel that way, but it’s interesting I think that the nature of the “solution” matches that of the problem such that they cancel one another out. It was belief that comforted her against a fear that only existed because of that very same belief in the first place.

      The idea that death is the end is terrifying to so many people, hence the popularity of religious and afterlife beliefs. I don’t like to see it that way; life is more beautiful without such beliefs – there is no hell to fill us with dread, and no heaven to distract us from how this life is the reward – that we get to have these discussions, and to enjoy all of this genuinely awesome reality we have to explore is surely the greatest thing we can experience? Eternity cheapens our finite existence out of all worth.

      I didn’t mean to ramble so much there, I’m sorry! I hope that was okay!

      One other question. Do you believe that only things that can be proven are true?

      I think the question is kind of meaningless because, if we can’t prove something either way, whether it’s true or false is ultimately irrelevant to us (don’t take that to mean that I’m dismissing your question, by the way, I’m not!) In any case, we cannot really prove anything with absolute certainty – in reality, certainty is bullshit – we can only prove things to a high degree of probability. We can’t ever say that unicorns, for example, absolutely don’t exist because we have not explored the infinite multiplicity of possibilities the universe offers, nor can we; life, both our own and that of our species, our planet, or even our galaxy, is far too short, and space is way too big for us to have looked everywhere for the proof! The best we can say is that, given the complete lack of any cohesive evidence whatsoever, the likelihood that unicorns (for example) exist is incredibly low – so low, in fact, it is as close to zero as makes no odds and, therefore, it behoves us to take the default position of non-existence.

      One more question, Kris. What is your opinion on tarot beads, runes, and other divination devices?

      Pretty much what you’d imagine; there is not now, nor has there ever been, any evidence to support the veracity of any claims made regarding their efficacy, so my position is that they are ostensibly worthless distractions. Kind of like air guitar – it might make you feel good about yourself for five minutes, but in truth you’re not really actually doing anything πŸ™‚

      @Kris happy birthday just incase i brain farted and forgot way to much going on

      Thank you muchly πŸ™‚

    2. Oh, and Bea, if anyone here is the moron, it’s you for persisting in submitting comments despite the fact they all go straight into my spam folder (which is frequently emptied). You had your chance, and you pissed it away … ta-ta!

  153. Thank you for your condolences. I miss my sister, even though it has been nearly 40 years. I agree with you. I think that my mom gave herself the information (subconsciously) to allow herself to deal with the horror of having her youngest take her own life and then to be told by her own pastor that her daughter was in Hell. I think that it may have been mentioned in an earlier post that I am a retired nurse. I have sedated patients with a placebo. I think the human brain is the most amazing organ!!! Thank you for your answer!

  154. Okay, another question – your opinion of hypnosis. I had a 6 year old child brought into the ER one evening with a fractured arm. I was working with a really cool doctor. He hypnotized the child – reduced the fracture and casted the arm without any anesthesia. I was totally amazed.

    1. Tanila
      If we going by the common understanding of hypnosis, it’s crap; if we’re referring to the power of suggestion, that’s something different. Saying the right combination of words to someone can have a multitude of effects; you can calm someone, you can subtley influence their way of thinking, their decision making processes, etc. but ultimately it’s all just about understanding human psychology to an extent where you can exploit it. Stage hypnotists use the dynamics of a large group and certain level of peer pressure, in combination with the opportunity for inhibitions to be relaxed in order to get people to behave like twats. People are very conscious of what they’re doing, there’s nothing special about what’s going on; people cluck like chickens willingly, either because they don’t want to be the kill-joy and ruin everyone else’s fun, or because they’re exhibitionists looking for a chance to dick around πŸ™‚

      The variety of “hypnosis” practiced medically (either helping someone overcome pain or to quit smoking) is no different, other than perhaps in its subtlety. It’s still just about understanding the psychology of the person you’re dealing with and finding the right thing to say in order to achieve your desired goal. When I was about 6 or 7 I cut the back of my head open when I smashed it against the edge of my metal-framed bed; given the amount of blood I was trailing throughout the house I was convinced that I was dying, a fact I didn’t stop crying about even after arriving at the hospital. Although the gash in my head was bad enough, I was less happy about the doctor want to stick a needle in it to sew it up … but the right combination of kindly, explanatory, and encouraging words from the doctor meant that I was able to calm down enough that I could have my head wound stitched up with (as I recall) virtually no complaining (a little wincing, maybe).

      The right words, to the right person, at the right time … we’ve all done it – we’ve all used words to soften or butter someone up to get what we want – no magic, just human psychology.

      I guess she must be … she never learns anything. She’s still commenting, talking metaphysical crap, and going on about her “comedy psychic show” without realising that she is, in fact, it.

  155. pittyangel6660

    @kris is she still thinking you`ll give in??? oh brother!! i guess shes one of them will never learn @ tanila there are drs that will go that route but i agree its cool beans relaxation makes for an easy set tension = rough time of it+ you dont have to do an over nighter with a scared kiddo

  156. I feel sure that since Beatrice Marot has been banished from this message board that she is busily trolling the internet looking for a new place and new people to terrorize.

    1. wd40
      I don’t doubt it for a minute. I’m sure that, in the not to distant future, we’ll all be having a reunion on the blog of someone else who went searching for fellow survivors of the Beatrice Marot Tidal Wave of Twattery πŸ™‚

  157. pittyangel6660

    pmsl i took a yip around last evening just for shits and giggles its unreal how easy bullshit spreads its quite pathetic when you understand that loosers like beast HAVE NO FUCKING LIFE BUT ARE DELUDED TO THINKING THEY DO heres a thought beast get a real fucking JOB!! the human voice is the most powerful tool on this planet it can cause the most hellish nightmares or induce the sweetest dreams

  158. Kris, this is my opinion entirely! Nothing at all concrete to base it on. Maybe the way I was reared molded my mind in this way, but I, personally, think there may be things in this Universe that have no logical or scientific explanation. At least, I truly hope there are! haha I don’t believe that science has proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, whether or not the Big Bang Theory (hence the title “theory”) is the origination of our world. I don’t believe the Theory of Evolution (again, thus the title “theory”) explains how man came into being. Maybe there is another answer? (I love to discuss things like this).

    1. Ah, I hate to do this to you (mainly because you’re nice!), but “theory” in the context used by scientists doesn’t mean what you think it does. It’s not a hunch or feeling, it’s not an untested or unproven guess that someone just thought up – that’s a hypothesis. When you heard the word “theory” think “theoretical model”; a theory is used to explain an observed phenomena and is supported by evidence gathered during repeated attempts to falsify the theory. For a scientific idea to qualify as a theory, it must be something you can use to make predictions about how relevant phenomena will behave in given circumstances as described by the theory. And it’s not the case that a theory eventually becomes a scientific “fact” or “law” when eventually “proven” πŸ™‚

      Whether you believe in evolution or not, the fact is that it has happened, and continues to happen, and we have an insurmountable quantity of evidence to support it. The theory of evolution by natural selection is fundamentally undeniable; change over time is a fact. The theory underpins our entire understanding of modern biology, and every new discovery we have made since then has only reinforced it (DNA being but one example). Without evolution, nothing in biology would make any sense, and we wouldn’t have made any of the advances in medicine and epidemiology that we’ve seen over the last 150 years.

      As for the big bang theory, there is plenty of evidence to support that too; every time you retune a radio or an old style TV, about 1% of the noise and static you hear comes from the cosmic background radiation left over from the big bang – as Neil DeGrasse Tyson put it, “we are all eavesdroppers on the birth pangs of existence”. As I said previously, certainty is bullshit – we can’t explain everything in totality, but we can explain to a high degree of probability – and that we have done; these theories hold up, time and time again. Alternative explanations that have been offered (notably the creation hypothesis) don’t even come close.

      And while there may be things we cannot currently explain, that doesn’t mean we won’t be able to in the future. There’s a big difference between the unexplained and the unexplainable … there was a time when the movement of the tides and the causes of disease were the former, but considered the latter πŸ™‚

  159. Oh, I do indeed that the most fit of any species survives, and that this causes evolution within the class or subclass that changes that particular species after time. I believe that this can even be forced. What I have always had trouble with is the leap from lizard to mammal. But, being a nurse, I suppose you can look at the growth of a human being in utero to give credence to that belief. The child begins as as a one cell being. It goes through a stage where it has a tail and something resembling gills. It keeps evolving and progressing until it becomes a person. I have just always had a hard time thinking my ancestors might have been iguanas.

    1. Tanila
      What I have always had trouble with is the leap from lizard to mammal

      Have a look at the evolution of mammals from tetrapods through to therapsids – it’s pretty cool, particularly the therapsids. It’s about there that we have the earliest evidence of what are still essentially reptiles in the triassic era lactating and growing hair (!) And when you see the cynodonts, you’re looking at something remarkably similar to shrews or other rodents, our earliest mammalian ancestors. It’s pretty neat πŸ™‚ Raves and I have kept pet rats for four years, and while they frequently exhibit qualities, behaviours, and personalities that seem astonishingly human, they sometimes come across like reptiles in furry costumes, they way they scutter about with their tails and their pointy teeth πŸ™‚

      I have just always had a hard time thinking my ancestors might have been iguanas

      If that’s hard, try thinking about how our ancestors used to be rather like plankton πŸ™‚

  160. After watching Spongebob for years with my grandchildren and great grandchildren, I find it much easier to see plankton as a person! I think he is on my ex husband’s side of the family, though. Or maybe they are related to Patrick –

    Is Raves your significant other? Do his interests run parallel to yours? My husband is an incredible man. He is a retired banker – very pragmatic. I am a retired ER nurse. You might think someone who had worked in the medical field for years would be as well, but I have to confess – I am not at all!! I enjoy letting my imagination take my mind where it will. I love to sit outside under a tree and feel it’s spirit. I have a medicine wheel that I built in my yard under a tree, and I like to sit in the center of it and meditate. I teach my grandchildren about dragons and King Arthur. We hunt for faeries in the woods behind my house, and play wonderful, imaginative games filled with magical creatures. What fun that is!!! My husband tells me that I am a little strange, but that being a little strange is what makes me so wonderful! haha

  161. How long do you think it will take before Beatrice Marot starts claiming that Whitney Houston is talking to her from beyond the grave?

  162. @tanila & wd40&kris whitney went stright to beas house to shoot up and smoke up one for the road its sad the girl wouldnt get clean and stay there what a waste of a beautiful life didnt she have kids?

    1. Tanila
      After watching Spongebob for years with my grandchildren and great grandchildren

      You know, I don’t care that I’m approaching 40, Spongebob is awesome – delightfully subversive and insane, I love it πŸ™‚

      Is Raves your significant other? Do his interests run parallel to yours?

      Yes, and kind of. There’s a lot of overlap on some of our interests, a bit of overlap on others. We’re both into gaming, horror movies, sci-fi, books, and our pet rats – he’s more into manga than I am, I’m way more into being a gobby atheist than he is πŸ™‚ (he’s “non-religious”, finds militant atheism as annoying as militant theism, and has never read my blog for fear that it would be like reading my diary and reveal something about me he doesn’t like). We also like indian food … a LOT πŸ™‚

      I love to sit outside under a tree and feel it’s spirit

      The best holiday I ever had involved spending five days lying (mostly) drunk outside my tent, beneath a tree on a campsite in Cornwall, enjoying the best week of the year for weather and the most stress-free time I’d had. Nothing magic or profound, just the bliss of being away from all the stress, out of contact with the rest of the world with just a bunch of books, some music, and bugger all else to do …

      My husband tells me that I am a little strange, but that being a little strange is what makes me so wonderful! haha

      Everyone’s a little strange in some way πŸ™‚

      How long do you think it will take before Beatrice Marot starts claiming that Whitney Houston is talking to her from beyond the grave?

      My uncle asked me that very question this week (he’s had the privilege of read the words of the great loon … I reckon a week … the only people quicker off the mark than Bea when it comes to dancing on graves is the Westboro Baptist Church.

      @tanila & wd40&kris whitney went stright to beas house to shoot up and smoke up one for the road

      Now, now, be nice …

  163. i was being nice pmsl i left out the booze part i can hear your uncle now roflhao going fucking crazy americans ; ) yes we are in shades of grey

  164. Call me crazy but I know for a fact the last person Whitney Houston would want to talk to is the likes of Beatrice Marot after her passing. That’d be laughable if it wasn’t so tragic. Poor Whitney, only 3 yrs old than me, rest her soul. But I’m sure Beatrice would take any opportunity, being the narcissistic opportunist that she is, to ride on the coat tails of yet another celebrity, dead or alive in one way or another, that’s one of her patterns.

    I was just reflecting back on that day, after reading somewhere she said in her opinion she handled the whole situation fine and I was the one who was unreasonable but that of course is another lie, and the incident report that day would reflect that since the Burbank Police had to come and help me out. Anyway, my point is, how actually completely unreasonable she was from start to finish, to make a very long story short is the whole 3 months she was complaining about the dogs, about them ruining things, I would send gift cards, thank you cards, then the reloadable Visa was too much trouble (that I had to put in my name because she said she didn’t want her name on anything) and then that wasn’t good enough, this is all in messages between us by the way so it’s all very well documented – she asked me to send cash, which I did, and at first she denied getting it then fessed up after about 10 days she got it. I could see she was unstable and that our deal was going south so I stopped answering my phone, forcing her to communicate through messages because I knew it was heading for nothing good. I knew because no matter what I did it wasn’t enough.

    Also throughout the whole ordeal I gave her alot of say so, I told her if she didn’t like a potential foster that I wouldn’t use them. Then she demanded I find Chanel & her puppy Gracie (the dogs I rescued she’d been entrusted to foster temporarily) a home within a twenty minute drive to her so she could keep in contact and visit them easily – I never should have agreed but I also knew she kind of wanted the dogs so I thought as long as she was willing to care for them she could make is a hard to find them homes as she wanted to, since she knew this requirement greatly reduced their prospects for finding homes.

    Then came the day she messaged me she’d had enough and was going to dump them at the shelter if I didn’t hurry up and pick them up, my heart stopped, because the message was more than 9 hours old. Then I saw another message after it that she’d sent, saying that her “meltdown” was over but to find them a home asap. So I did, I found a great replacement foster and couldn’t wait to let her know I had a good one and that I’d be there to pick them up the following morning, and Beatrice’s idea of handling that well, even though you can see in the messages I was being friendly even though she’d been horrible to me and the dogs, so what do you think she did next? SHE BLOCKED ME. So I was left to wonder and hope that until the next day morning when I drove out there. So I drove almost 2 hours to get there and knocked and no one came to the door. I could here the dogs right on the other side of the door and could here here shuffling them into another room. I didn’t want to leave so my 19 yr old daughter and I sat on her porch and ate some lunch we brought, smoked a cigarette, then went back and knocked again, I wasn’t happy but was in no way acting like I was angry or any thing, I just wanted to pick up Chanel & Gracie and get them to their new foster home. I couldn’t understand since she didn’t want to adopt them, and didn’t want to foster them anymore and was so unhappy with the arrangement, why wouldn’t she answer the door? I think she liked having so much control over the whole rescue/adoption situation and wanted to keep an upper hand, so she was prepared to keep them when she made it so clear she couldn’t handle it. Now I’m concerned, I don’t want to leave without them. So I call her from my cell phone and ask her as nicely as I can to pick up the phone, or to come out and talk to me. I was talking to dead air, I knew she didn’t care, so I told her I’d wait 10 minutes and if she didn’t come out and talk to me I was going to call the police to report I was there per our written agreement and that she was refusing to answer the door and give me the dogs. She never came out, and I kept my word. They came out and at first she ignored them too. They told me what I expected to hear, that it’s civil and they can’t make her give me the dogs, that they’d make a report and I might have to sue her to get them back. So they were about to leave when she finally came out with wild hair and eyes acting really unstable the first thing they aren’t happy about it is her ignoring their knocking on her door. So you can imagine she’s not off to a good start with these cops. She was acting really strange, her moods swingly wildly from one minute to the next, from wanting to hug and make up to getting in my face and screaming at me, calling me names, back to trying to hug me again. It was really weird and the cops sympathised with me and those poor dogs so much that they pretty much talked her into giving up the dogs, they made her feel like she had to. They told me they were dog lovers and we all left feeling terrible for the ones still in her care.

    By the time I got home that night from taking the dogs to their new foster home Beatrice was already sharing all over Facebook a Note called “A VERY SAD TAIL . . . OF TWO SWEET DOGS AND A COUPLE OF MEAN BITCHES!” it kept changing and she wrote other notes, but I have copies of all of them before she could edit or delete them.

    Like I just said on my blog, There was one that showed Beatrice said that I wasn’t answering her emails to make it look like she was the one harassing me, but I say IF IT LOOKS LIKE SHE’S HARASSING ME IT’S BECAUSE SHE IS!!!!ying that I won’t return any of her emails because “she’s trying to make it look like I”M the one harassing her” lmao, If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. She’s all over the place harassing and slandering me and also harassing anyone who shows support and love for me.

    BEATRICE IS A LIAR, AND IF IT LOOKS LIKE SHE’S HARASSING ME IT’S BECAUSE SHE IS!!!! Supposedly you are all supposed to believe even though I never do anything to bother her, that I’m the one who won’t let this go. Everyone can see she’s the one going around griping about how wrong she thinks we were. I guess I was supposed to let her ruin me and go and hide somewhere in obscurity, but since everything she says is a lie and I’m nothing she says I am, I don’t even make any money in rescue! Let alone STEAL from my animals donations. I lay out all I do for everyone to see and no one, NO ONE has any issue with me, I have a good reputation in the animal rescue community and have been around for 6 years. If I was no good, they would have booted me out already. I love animals and every animal I try to help is out of love and desire to help, nothing more. and I don’t claim to be a 501, I make clear I’m not yet, but will be soon, and there is NOTHING WRONG with raising funds to rescue animals even if you’re not a 501, ALL that is YOU MORON BEATRICE is a tax status and everyone knows (except Beatrice I guess) that just because a rescue’s a 501 non-profit doesn’t mean they’re legitimate anymore than it means if they don’t have a non-profit that they’re not. I have 5 dogs out in foster homes right now, and I don’t get enough donations for their vetting and food and supplies but I get it all anyway. My dogs have everything, kennels, collars, tags, leashes, harnesses, beds, sweaters, toys, treats, food, and medical. I LOVE THEM LIKE THEY’RE MY KIDS. She knows I’m not what she says, that’s what so fucked up about this, she knows she’s lying through her teeth but wants to get back at me for the embarrassment she felt that day and everyone on Facebook knowing she had them removed, but they only knew because she put it out there. And because she included horrible accusations with her side of the story, I was forced to put out my side of the story. Beatrice did not handle this well and the fact that she’s seen saying she thinks she did is just testament to how deeply disturbed she is.

  165. Bless your heart, Kimberly. When you get entangled with her insanity, it’s hard to get free.

    1. Stay positive Kimberly … we’ve all been clobbered by the loony bat of Beatrice Marot’s insanity … as more people become aware of her, there will be more people who know exactly what she’s like …

    1. Question – parallel dimensions – what do you think

      Oooh, good one … I suppose it depends on what you mean by “parallel dimensions”, because there are a few interpretations of the phrase. I like the idea of the multiverse, that our universe is one of many, with each existing in its own separate “bubble” of space time, and there is actually a small amount of evidence to support such a theory. Examination of the cosmic microwave background has found “discs” that are believed to be where the bubbles of other universes have collided with our own, almost like they left a dent. The collisions likely occurred when the universes initially formed, each having their own big bang, close together, but with space expanding rapidly between them, just as the universes themselves expand.

      It’s a mind-blowing theory that’s been around for a while, but the discovery of the “dents” in the CMB is the first bit of evidentiary support for it – I love the idea that many universes were created at the same time as ours, and that others are popping into and out of existence all the time. I wonder at what stage of development other neighbouring universes might be in, how many clusters of galaxies they might have, how many life-bearing planets – I wonder what properties of physics those universes might exhibit, whether they would be the same as ours … it’s a staggering and beautiful notion to consider.

      While I like the romantic idea that there are an infinite number of realities / dimensions / universes, where every single outcome of every possible decision is played out, I’m not sure I find it all that likely. The universe we live in is indifferent to the decisions of beings as cosmically insignificant as we, so I don’t imagine that another universe out there might pop into existence to cope with me deciding not to eat that third slice of cake πŸ™‚ I’m not saying it doesn’t happen or couldn’t – the universe we live in hinges on probability (certainly at the quantum level) – I just find it hugely unlikely that we have that much influence over the entire multiverse!

      Good question though – it made me think about things, which I like πŸ™‚


  167. I think the thought of an alternate is incredibly interesting. Have you ever read anything by R.J. Stewart?

  168. kris i dont know if you have ever seen the us show fringe? its a laugh but it kind of goes in on the lines above alt demensions t x s yada yada mom always said i was far out i try to be totaly out rageous at least 2x a week other wise life just gets boring : }

  169. That is a mind blowing theory, but interesting. I think it makes alot of unexplained things make some sense. Like in the spirit world, once we die if we don’t go to heaven and we’re doomed to haunt the earth, I think we stay in another dimension. If you’ve watched ghost hunters and what they experience, they experience tingling and what they describe as an electrical charge, and their hairs stand on end. What bothers me the most about it all is that it when I see children or animals haunting a place, especially when they’re trapped there with their murderers. I have a hard time believing that can happen to innocent kids or animals.

    1. tanila
      Have you ever read anything by R.J. Stewart?

      I haven’t, no. I’m not familiar with the name, even, I’m afraid!

      kris i dont know if you have ever seen the us show fringe?

      Nah, I’ve always been more a “Warehouse 13” kind of guy πŸ™‚

      Kimberly Glasnapp
      Like in the spirit world, once we die if we don’t go to heaven and we’re doomed to haunt the earth, I think we stay in another dimension.

      Well, it doesn’t really explain that at all – it just offers another imaginative opportunity for wishful thinking.

      If you’ve watched ghost hunters

      Sadly, I have … and I felt IQ points draining from my body every second that show was on … a bunch of guys with night vision cameras scaring the crap out of each other in old houses, and pretending to be scientists.

      they experience tingling and what they describe as an electrical charge, and their hairs stand on end.

      It’s something called the pilomotor reflex and is when tiny muscles at the base of each hair contract and make the hair stand on end (kind of a like a mini-erection!) It’s kicked off by the sympathetic nervous system which deals with many fight-or-flight responses. No ghosties or magic responsible, I’m afraid – just good, old-fashioned unease, discomfort, nervousness, anxiety, or fear (whether real or imagined) πŸ™‚

      What bothers me the most about it all is that it when I see children or animals haunting a place, especially when they’re trapped there with their murderers.

      When you say “see”, do you really mean “imagine”?

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